Vox amps
The VOX tradition of innovation carries on today with products designed to achieve unprecedented tonal flexibility. Find your voice with VOX.
The VOX AC30 Custom valve guitar amplifier- Vox Amps
The VOX AC30 Custom valve guitar amplifier draws from over 50 years of tube amp-building expertise to offer the most versatile AC30 design in VOX history
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voxが誇るイノベーションの伝統は、未だかつてない柔軟性を達成するべくデザインされた数々の製品とともに今日にも受け継がれている。 さぁ、VOXで、あなただけのサウンドを見つけよう。
All Tube Archives - Vox Amps
Amps / All Tube. 4 Watts RMS 1 x 12" Celestion VX12 Custom AC 4 Custom ; AC 4 Custom Vintage Black Series ; 10W RMS 1 × 10-inch ... GET VOX INSIDER INFO! Subscribe to get insider information, product updates, and more. You can unsubscribe any time. Email * Country *
Home - Vox Amps
VOX im Fokus. Innovation aus Tradition - dieses Motto treibt VOX bis heute an, Produkte mit beispiellos klanglicher Flexibilität zu entwickeln. "Find your voice with VOX."
V863-CA - Vox Amps
With this single pedal, you can seamlessly switch between rhythmic Auto-Wah modes and expressive manual wah, all while enjoying the authentic VOX tone. Whether you’re exploring creative rhythms or delivering soul-stirring solos, the V863-CA puts the power of VOX wah innovation at your feet.
AC30C2-TTBC - Vox Amps
The AC30 Custom leads with VOX’s legendarily brilliant top end sound, and is a perfect match for every playing style. One of the archetypal models from VOX, the AC30 is a guitar amp that defined an era during the rise of the British invasion.
Guitars Archives - Vox Amps
VOX Guitars holds a legacy of its own, reviving the spirit of the classic ‘60s VOX guitars. Balancing vintage sound and feel with modern playability with the Bobcat series, looking to the future with unique modeling technology in the Giulietta series, and bringing guitar everywhere, for everyone with the SDC-1 Mini guitars.
amPlug 2 - Vox Amps
vox独自のアナログ技術により、多段ゲイン回路を搭載し、真空管による複雑な歪み具合もパーフェクトに再現; 180度回転する収納式プラグ機構を採用し、ギターに合わせて角度調整が可能; 最大17時間まで使用可能な電池駆動でいつでもどこでもプレイok
amPlug 3 - Vox Amps
Modern high-gain amp sound, with a sparkling clean sound on CH1 and a sharp, aggressive high-gain distortion sound on CH2.