The Visual Novel Database | vndb
The Visual Novel Database. VNDB.org strives to be a comprehensive database for information about visual novels. This website is built as a wiki, meaning that anyone can freely add and contribute information to the database, allowing us to create the largest, most accurate and most up-to-date visual novel database on the web.
Giant shift upon strain on the fluorescence spectrum of VNNB …
2020年9月25日 · a The geometry of VNNB defect in the ground state. Top view (left) and side view (right). The dashed circle denotes the impurity nitrogen atom. The defect is out-of-plane and exhibits C s symmetry ...
Theoretical spectroscopy of the V N N B defect in hexagonal
2024年6月5日 · Explore the theoretical spectroscopy of the VNNB defect in hexagonal boron nitride (h-BN). Discover insights into zero-phonon line emission, Stokes and anti-Stokes phonon sidebands, and the Debye-Waller factor. Learn how these properties impact applications in quantum nanophotonics and material engineering.
ARTICLE OPEN Giant shift upon strain on the fluorescence spectrum of VNNB color centers in h-BN Song Li 1, Jyh-Pin Chou , Alice Hu1, Martin B. Plenio2, Péter Udvarhelyi3,4, Gergő Thiering3 ...
Giant shift upon strain on the fluorescence spectrum of V N N B …
中文翻译: h -bn中vnnb色心的荧光光谱上的应变发生巨变 我们研究了应变对六方氮化硼(h-bn)中氮反位空对的物理性质的影响,六方氮化硼是一种可以用作二维材料中的量子位的色心。通过群论和从头算分析,我们表明,强电子-声子耦合在该色心的光学激活中起 ...
Theoretical spectroscopy of the VNNB defect in hexagonal boron …
The VNNB defect in hexagonal boron nitride (h-BN), comprising a nitrogen vacancy adjacent to a nitrogen-for-boron substitution, is modelled in regard to its possible usefulness in a nanophotonics device.
(PDF) Giant shift upon strain on the fluorescence spectrum of VNNB ...
2020年9月25日 · Defect orbitals of V N N B defect. a The geometry of VNNB defect in the ground state. Top view (left) and side view (right). The dashed circle denotes the impurity nitrogen atom.
内排国际机场 - 百度百科
内排国际机场(Noibai International Airport,IATA:HAN,ICAO:VVNB),位于越南社会主义共和国河内市Soc Son区,南距河内市中心约22千米,为4E级军民合用国际机场,是越南国家门户机场。1977年2月28日,内排国际机场建成通航;2001年10月,内排国际机场T1航站楼启用;2013年,内排国际机场T1航站楼完成扩建 ...
hBN中空位色心 (VNNB) 在应力下的光谱位移-电子发烧友网
2020年10月12日 · vnnb包含一个氮原子空位缺陷以及在对位硼原子的氮原子替换,被认为是最有可能的单光子源之一。 研究发现,在基态下,替换的氮原子更倾向于移出平面从而降低体系的能量。
Defect orbitals of V N N B defect. a The geometry of VNNB defect …
Download scientific diagram | Defect orbitals of V N N B defect. a The geometry of VNNB defect in the ground state. Top view (left) and side view (right). The dashed circle denotes the impurity...