Any adults have success with the VIVOS appliance? : r/TMJ - Reddit
2018年8月7日 · And with Vivos being a corporation, that seems to have pushed out the inventor of the DNA appliance and it's protocols (Dr. Singh), and had a lot of change over in their board and their instructors (most of the original founding dental professionals seem absent from the organization now), the company doesn't look stable to me, and I see a ...
Vivos DNA or MRNA oral appliances : r/SleepApnea - Reddit
2023年2月9日 · Hey! Im a dentist, and I went to Vivos education. I’d be careful how much weight I’d put into Vivos as an appliance to fix sleep apnea. It’s great for specific cases where you have a tiny upper arch. For malocclusions I do Invisalign, and do CPAP or mandibular advancement for sleep apnea. Much cheaper and much more predictable.
Does the DNA appliance work? : r/VIVOSTestimonials - Reddit
2021年6月5日 · I’m six months into treament with the Vivos DNA/mRNA appliance and I am singing it’s praises from the rooftop. Prior to starting treatment I had moderate sleep apnea, could not breath through my nose and barely smell either, I had 5-10 migraines a month and terrible TMD pain. Now, 6 months in, my migraines have mostly ceased.
VIVOS: Patient Testimonials for DNA and RNA Appliances. - Reddit
r/VIVOSTestimonials: The Vivos Appliance System includes various versions of the DNA and RNA Appliances utiilizing Epigenetic…
Honest Review of the DNA Appliance : r/orthotropics - Reddit
2021年5月20日 · The DNA appliance is merely part of the overall puzzle. If you have an incredibly narrow palate like I did, the DNA appliance will almost undoubtedly get you to a point where you can mew comfortably. However, if you don’t fix your …
Has anyone used the DNA Appliance and gotten results - Reddit
I had four molars extracted for braces when i was around 15-16 years old. Now, my smile feels narrow. My jaw hurts and i suspect i may have OSA (sleep apnea) so considering the DNA Appliance. i also have a mild overbite which i think affects my speech as well so I am hoping the mRNA appliance will help reposition lower jaw.
Vivos dna appliance review : r/orthotropics - Reddit
2023年2月7日 · vivos dna I've been wearing a vivos dna appliance for about 14 months now and have had good results - about 4 mm increase transpalatal width 33-37mm, drastically improved sleep quality, easier to breathe, face looks better, more symmetrical, slightly more forward grown.
Vivos DNA appliance - Reddit
2021年4月15日 · Vivos DNA appliance Has anyone heard of the vivos appliance? It’s made for sleep apnea but essentially it is a palate expander which will widen the maxilla and in turn give the mandible room to move forward.
Does the DNA appliance actually grow the maxilla in adults, or
2020年9月11日 · It seems like the DNA appliance is more likely to fix the issues in my maxilla (recessed paranasal area). But most of the DNA providers I visited seem sketchy. They absolutely refuse to show before & after pics of the patients they treat due to "HIPPAA" privacy laws, which is strange because none of the jaw surgeons or orthodontists I talk to ...
Has anyone used the Vivos appliance? : r/TMJ - Reddit
2020年6月9日 · I am currently working towards getting one and have been doing lots of research on them. I had two dentists suggest AGGA, but the DNA/Vivos looks more promising imo. I like that DNA is not a fixed device and that they have a lower device that trains the mandible forward instead of just forcing the maxilla out and hoping the lower jaw comes forward.