Vitality Products - Ultra Pure Magnesium Oil
Vitality Products Magnesium Oil is the natural bioavailable form most recognizable to the body that any other and can therefore be readily absorbed by the skin. It is a super saturated solution minimizing the necessary quantity for noticeable results.
Big 'I'/ Vitality Products
Vitality Products Big 'I' is a reintroduction to natural conventional medicines of the past where pharmaceutical drugs weren't so abundant, yet illnesses and diseases were far less. This formula is not new nor without testament it is a 5% Lugol's iodine solution.
OREGANO/Vitality Products
Although our Magnesium Oil already has innumerous health and medical benefits, we at Vitality Products still wanted to provide an extra booster. As a result we now introduce the "New and Infused" Magnesium Oil line that will steer your body's advancement toward better health.
Vitality Products - Life is Good!
Vitality Products, rejuvenating the aging body using nature's finest miracles! We provide all natural alternative products and supplements to nourish the overall body; hair, skin, and gut, while restoring health, beauty and function in The Bahamas.
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Disclaimer: None of our products are meant to replace the advice or consultation of your health care professional . We encourage all our customers to exercise great wisdom on your journey …
Vitality Hair Care Products
The Vitality Hair Care Collection Consists of our Vitality Hair and Scalp Detox Mask, Vitality Clarifying Shampoo, Vitality Repair Conditioner, Hair Balance Leave-In Spray, Miracle Hair Growth Oil, Hair Booster Moisture Therapy Treatment and Hair Booster Gel, which are designed to help nourish the hair and scalp while enhancing hair follicle ...
Vitality Specialty Soaps
Vitality Products All Natural Specialty Soaps are all handcrafted with you in mind. We use the best quality products, from pure cold pressed carrier oils, pure therapeutic grade essential oils, pure unrefined butters and all natural organic powders (No synthetic chemicals, guaranteed!)
Vitality Essential & Carrier Oils Vitality Products - My Vxw Site …
Vitality Products proudly boasts our Vitality Essentials high quality therapeutic grade essential oils made available that you too will love! See our Special Blends and Pure Essential Oils selections below!
Vitality Products - Supplements Store
Vitality Products - Rejuvenating the aging body using nature's finest miracles!