Where is my "cart" button - Steam Community
2020年7月3日 · This conversation was MOST helpful. Thanks! I got some message from steam telling me one of my games had been purchased twice, and the last transaction didn't go through and to check my cart. But for the life of me, I couldn't find the cart any more. :( They really need to bring the cart button back! Not having one is so danged awkward!
Can't View My Cart On Steam :: Help and Tips - Steam Community
2018年6月15日 · I know how to access my cart from steam, but when I click on the button the only thing I get is a black screen. This is clearly problematic because it means that I can't buy anything. I think it may have started due to adding too many things to my cart at once, but now I …
View a History of what you added to your cart? :: Help and Tips
2020年10月1日 · From there it's "My Account", "Data Related to my Account" and on the next screen you'll see the third option (at least with me) is "Shopping Cart History". #7 Major.Pain
Where The Hell Is My Cart? :: Steam Discussions - Steam Community
2023年7月12日 · The cart button will only appear if there is at least one item in there though but some users have reported their carts not saving after a time so they have to use the wishlist to save games. Actually, no, I have a crapload of stuff in my cart, which is weird that it just all of a sudden disappeared from the software.
Can't find shopping 'cart' in steam :: Help and Tips
2013年6月20日 · thanks for your response but I don't see a cart button above the search store bar. I can see the search bar and a wishlist button, I have 2 items in my wishlist and about 5~ items in the cart but the button isn't showing.
WHERE IS MY CART?!! (MOBILE) :: Steam Mobile App - Steam …
2024年3月19日 · The cart sign/button went missing in my steam mobile app (Android). I usually use mobile steam app for purchasing games. I really don't know what happen. Is it an update? Well I can see my cart if I add to cart a new game then continues to “view my cart" but that's too hassle. Unlike before, tap on cart logo (top left) and I can now see my cart.
Where is the Steam Cart? :: Help and Tips - Steam Community
I have added a game to the cart, then clicked on other stuff. Now I can't find my cart to checkout. Last time this happened, I added another game I didn't want, that got me to the cart, then I removed the game.
how do i find the ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ cart :: Help and Tips
2022年5月2日 · The cart on the mobile app always appears when you're on a Store page. The little cart on the upper left corner with the number of items in the cart in red. If you don't see the cart icon, you're not on a Store page or you don't have anything in your cart.
Unavailable Game in my cart :: Help and Tips - Steam Community
2024年9月1日 · Steam help > my account > data related to my account > there option for shipping cart history > click on link for corresponding time frame just hope it saved there, and see if it shows the game, otherwise not much can do about it. …
Cant view my steam cart :: Help and Tips - Steam Community
2024年6月8日 · Ive restarted my steam countless times and still doesnt fix it. I'd love to be able to spend money and be able to use the site as intended, please help if you know. *Update * Just noticed too im not able to load the steam points shop page, gives me a similar error