Autonomous for 6 motor drive? (Block code)
2024年11月13日 · Hello!! I’m not an actual programmer, I’m just able to program for my school’s team, and I’ve been struggling to program the autonomous for my robot in block code? I’ve …
Vex 6 Wheel Drive - General Forum - VEX Forum
2011年7月20日 · In VEX it is a little harder to get the drop needed without affecting everything else on the robot. So this year I’m trying something new, a Simbotics style, raised back wheel …
How to code a six motor drive train - VEX Forum
2023年12月16日 · If you want to know how to code a six motor drivetrain you do this - #pragma region VEXcode Generated Robot Configuration // Make sure all required headers are …
6 Motor Drive Troubles - General Forum - VEX Forum
2024年5月25日 · Our team has been having some major problems with a more offensive 6 motor drive and was wondering if anyone could help because it is beyond our capacity to fix. Specs …
6 motor drive arcade drive - Programming Support - VEX Forum
2024年5月14日 · How do I get my 6 motor drive chassis coded to arcade drive in my vex v5 pros code. I have it in the ez template and it is auto to tank drive but I need arcade drive. What …
6 Bar - General Forum - VEX Forum
2011年9月23日 · Go to it. It is the guide to 6 bar (or extended 4 bar depending on your terminology) and the AURA website is very nice. As for building a 6 bar: Our team took our …
6 Motor Drive in python - VEXcode Pro V5 Text Tech Support
2024年12月4日 · So I am part of a new team and I am trying to create a 6 motor drive train for our new bot but every time I configure it in the VEXcode V5 site it gets rid of the other two motors …
Catalogue of Drive Gearings - Technical Discussion - VEX Forum
2022年11月20日 · Due to frequent questions and discussions on drive speeds, but not a lot of resources on the layouts of the possible gearings themselves, I’ve created this resource for …
How do you program a 6 motor drivetrain - VEX Forum
2021年11月10日 · We have been wanting to implement a 6 motor drivetrain for a long time but have been lacking the knowledge to carry it out. Normally we would just set up the drivetrain …
6 motor drive - Technical Discussion - VEX Forum
2016年11月22日 · Also, I believe that 6 wheels will allow the motors to do less effort to spin, since the robot is supported by even more wheels than 4 wheels. This can be applied to an extent; …