Vertical Gaze Palsy - EyeWiki
A vertical gaze palsy (VGP) is a conjugate, bilateral, limitation of the eye movements in upgaze and/or downgaze. VGP can affect functional eye movements by selectively involving the …
Parinaud Syndrome - EyeWiki
Up gaze palsy is due to damage of the vertical gaze center (rostral interstitial nucleus of the medial longitudinal fasciculus (riMLF) and the interstitial nucleus of Cajal (INC)) and its …
Vertical gaze palsy - MedLink Neurology
The author reviews the various manifestations and causes of vertical gaze palsy. These can affect upgaze, downgaze, or both, usually affecting saccades primarily. The localization can be at …
Ocular gaze disorders - UpToDate
Abnormalities in eye movements can be caused by palsy of isolated ocular muscles, palsy of conjugate movements (gaze), or both . Gaze disorders are reviewed in this topic. Palsies of …
Conjugate Gaze Palsies - Neurologic Disorders - Merck Manual ...
Conjugate gaze palsies most commonly affect horizontal gaze; downward gaze is affected least often. Common causes include strokes for horizontal gaze palsies, midbrain lesions (usually …
Neuro-ophthalmology Illustrated Chapter 13 Diplopia 11 – Vertical …
2020年2月5日 · Bilateral lesions of the riMLF or its descending fibers will result in a more severe defect of vertical gaze than that due to unilateral lesions. Downward saccades are typically …
Central ocular motor disorders, including gaze palsy and …
Ocular motor symptoms include initial vertical gaze palsy, with later horizontal gaze palsy and the picture of complete ophthalmoplegia (with impaired saccade and smooth pursuit systems). …
Eye Movement Disorders in Movement Disorders - PMC - PubMed …
In early stages of vertical supranuclear gaze paresis/palsy, before prominent gaze restriction, the disproportionally slowed vertical saccadic velocity (compared with horizontal) presents with the …
Acute Bilateral Supranuclear Vertical Gaze Palsy: Vertical One …
Thalamic lesions can produce acute vertical gaze palsy. The vertical gaze abnormality in paramedian thalamic infarctions is speculated to be due to interruption of supranuclear fibers …
What Is Vertical Gaze Palsy? - iCliniq
2023年2月21日 · Vertical gaze palsy includes Parinaud's syndrome, progressive supranuclear palsy, and skew deviation. Paralysis of the upward vertical gaze palsy is the most common …