Hit (manga) vs Vegeta - Battles - Comic Vine
Title says all. Can Hit from the manga beat Vegeta from the anime at all his might?Round 1:-Regular Vegeta vs Hit (anime.)-SSB Vegeta vs Hit (improved
DBS Rematch: Hit vs Vegeta - Battles - Comic Vine
2018年1月16日 · Vegeta could arguably win with just regular SSB. With this new limit breaker SSB Vegeta should definitely have this. In terms of power Hit is actually below SSB, and his time skip got overpowered ...
Goku and Vegeta vs Kefla and Hit - Battles - Comic Vine
2019年5月12日 · R1 - Kefla solos. R2 - Kefla and Hit stomp. R3 - Kefla and Hit mid or hard diff. R4 - Goku and Vegeta finally win one. Hit is a nonfactor and they’ll have to duo Kefla in a hard fight.
SSB Goku and Vegeta Vs Hit - Battles - Comic Vine
2016年5月11日 · Goku and Vegeta Vs Hitfight takes place in the hyperbolic time chambergoku knows of hits technique goku can use the kaioken Hit also keeps improvingfi ... SSB Goku and Vegeta Vs Hit lettsplay10 ...
Kefla, Hit, Goku, and Vegeta vs Jiren (Full Power)
2018年11月14日 · Kefla alone is nearly just as powerful as FP Jiren, so with Goku and Vegeta as backup, Jiren wouldn't survive their combined assault. Adding Hit to restrain Jiren so he couldn't fight back, and ...
SSB Goku Vegeta and Hit Vs Beerus - Battles - Comic Vine
2017年4月16日 · Current Goku and Vegeta SSB with Hit Vs Beerus . Round 1 Beerus holds back on them Team Tries to Knock Beerus out . Round 2 Beerus is Bloodlusted and tries to kill the team team tries to kill beerus
Vegeta vs Hit (Read OP) - Battles - Comic Vine
This is Vegeta and Hit at the time when they fought in the tournament, but Vegeta now knows how Hit's time abilities work like Goku so he starts fight
Vegeta and Toppo vs Goku and Hit - Battles - Comic Vine
2018年4月9日 · The way I see it is goku and vegeta fight eachother, obviously, then hit traps toppo in the time cage, then its hit and goku vs vegeta which is an obvious answer. 5 years ago. Regime.
Vegito SSB vs Hit - Battles - Comic Vine
Hit can't take Goku and Vegeta at the same time. While fused, he gets oneshotted. Lmao. 7 years ago. higherpower. Follow 14002. Forum Posts. 50049. Wiki Points. 0. Followers.
SSGSSKKX20-Goku, SSGSS2 Vegeta and GoD-Toppo vs SSJ2 Kefla, …
Goku vs Hit: Goku probably holds his own for quite a long time. He knows Hit's Techniques. Vegeta vs Kefla: Either Stalemate or Vegeta wins after quite a fight.