pronunciation - Syllable division of VCV pattern in words such as ...
The syllable division of such words is generally done after the consonant, i.e, as VC-V. Here are a few examples: salad /sæl-əd/ lemon /lem-ən/ never /nev-ər/ balance /bæl-əns/ This division is in agreement with the notion that generally, a short vowel do not end a syllable.
abbreviations - Usage of "p." versus "pp." versus "pg." to denote …
2011年3月1日 · Per Strunk and White's Elements of Style, p. is used to denote 1 page, pp. to denote a range of pages. This form of citation is used when you are using brief/in text citations.
"Opposed" or "apposed" - English Language & Usage Stack …
Should it be apposed or opposed in testing for non failure as apposed to success? I initially thought it should be apposed, because opposed seems to suggest opposition. Interestingly Chromium flags
'the USA' vs. 'the US' - English Language & Usage Stack Exchange
2014年3月21日 · Update (June 23, 2017): More on 'U.S.' vs. 'US' Having belatedly acquired the 16th edition of the Chicago Manual of Style (2010), I should note that it has substantially altered its views on the use of U.S. versus US from what they were seven years earlier (see above).
What is the difference between "thee" and "thou"?
2010年9月22日 · Thee, thou, and thine (or thy) are Early Modern English second person singular pronouns.Thou is the subject form (nominative), thee is the object form, and thy/thine is the possessive form.
What is the difference between exception and exemption?
2017年10月21日 · An exception is when a certain situation is somehow different than the normal rule.. An exemption is a case when some rule doesn't apply at all.
Is it "men's" or "mens'"? And what's the rule? [duplicate]
2020年7月26日 · Now, let's look at a word that doesn't become plural by adding an "-s." "One man" changes to "two men." If we wanted to say that a car belonged to one man, we would say: "the car is the man's."
pronunciation - Could you clarify /e/ and /ɛ/? - English Language ...
2016年2月4日 · This is quite confusing! In the Standard IPA vowel chart, there are /e/ and /ɛ/. See the below picture: (Source: Wikipedia) However, many American English vowel charts don't have /e/.
What are the differences between "inverse", "reverse", and …
2011年4月26日 · obverse: the front side of a coin (as opposed to the reverse). converse and inverse in mathematical logic take a conditional hypothesis and swap or negate its clauses, respectively:
"To start" vs "to get started" - English Language & Usage Stack …
What are the differences in meaning and usage between "to start" and "to get started"? Are there any cases in which these variants are not interchangeable? I feel that there are. For example, this...