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Veterans Benefits Network - Vets Helping Vets Since 2002
Vets Helping Vets Since 2002-VA Claims Forums-VBN Announcements, Terms of Use, Other Info-VBN Newbies-VA Disability Claims (General)-PACT Act Claims-RAMP Claims-Appeals
Veterans Benefits Network-VA agreed that trichloroethylene (TCE) …
2013年1月1日 · I forgot to mention that the number of BVA decisions involving TCE to one degree or another ranged from 2 to 4 cases for years 2003-2009, but started to increase beginning …
Veterans Benefits Network-VA Trying to Remove SMC after 30 Years
2013年9月13日 · Cav1Sgt posted "VAOPGCPREC 16-89 addressed the effect of reducing a protected rating and the impact on SMC, not whether SMC was protected.Yet, in …
VA agreed that trichloroethylene (TCE) likely as not caused my …
2012年6月25日 · I was a Nike missle tech and we used tce while in the army. I know have bad cervical and lumbar spine problems with both knees degeneration moderate and I have …