Voice Actor | Genshin Impact Wiki | Fandom
Voice Actors (VAs), also known as Voice Artists or Character Voices (CVs), are people who provide voice talent for characters. A number of NPCs share their English voice actors with playable characters: Alejandro Saab (Cyno) voiced Lao Ke, Vlad, and Zhihua. Amber May (Dehya) voiced Cui'er...
All vas - ASMR Online
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Vanguard Australian Shares Index ETF seeks to track the return of the S&P/ASX 300 Index before taking into account fees, expenses and tax. The ETF provides low cost, broadly diversified exposure to Australian companies and property trusts …
视觉模拟评分法 - 百度百科
视觉模拟评分法(visual analogue scale,VAS)用于疼痛的评估。 在中国临床使用较为广泛,基本的方法是使用一条长约10cm的游动标尺,一面标有10个刻度,两端分别为“0”分端和“10”分端,0分表示无痛,10分代表难以忍受的最剧烈的疼痛。
VAS – Performance – Vanguard Australian Shares ETF - Morningstar
2024年10月2日 · VAS Performance - Review the performance history of the Vanguard Australian Shares ETF to see it's current status, yearly returns, and dividend history.
A self-hosted web media player for listening to your DLsite voice works.
ASX:VAS Holdings List - Vanguard Australian Shares Index ETF
2023年7月31日 · A list of holdings for ASX:VAS (Vanguard Australian Shares Index ETF) with details about each stock and its percentage weighting in the ETF.
Visual analogue scale - Wikipedia
The visual analogue scale (VAS) is a psychometric response scale that can be used in questionnaires. It is a measurement instrument for subjective characteristics or attitudes that cannot be directly measured.
Visual Analogue Scale - Physiopedia
A Visual Analogue Scale (VAS) is one of the pain rating scales used for the first time in 1921 by Hayes and Patterson. It is often used in epidemiologic and clinical research to measure the intensity or frequency of various symptoms.
(PDF) Visual analogue scale. A simple tool for daily treatment ...
2018年10月31日 · Visual analogue scale (VAS) is an instrument that can be used in daily practice. VAS is usually a horizontal 100 mm long scale with two opposing descriptors at its...