S.R.Srinivasa Varadhan - New York University
Mail Address 251 Mercer St. New York, NY 10012, U.S.A. Phones 212.998.3334 (voice) 212.995.4121 (fax) Email [email protected]
S. R. Srinivasa Varadhan Department of Mathematics - New York …
S. Sethuraman and S.R.S. Varadhan, "Large deviations for the current and tagged particle in 1D nearest-neighbor symmetric simple exclusion", Annals of Probability 41, no. 3A, 1461-1512 (2013) New York University
2 S. R. S. VARADHAN 1. Introduction The theory of large deviations deals with rates at which probabilities of certain events decay as a natural parameter in the problem varies. It is best to think of a speci c example to clarify the idea. Let us suppose that we have nindependent and identically distributed random variables fX
S. R. Srinivasa Varadhan - New York University
Y. Kifer and S.R.S. Varadhan, "Nonconventional limit theorems in discrete and continuous time via martingales", Annals of Probability 42, no. 2, 649-688 (2014)
Lecture of Varadhan - New York University
Sections available now on .ps and .pdf format Information about the course .ps file. Information about the course .pdf file Chapter 1 of Notes .ps file
Probability Theory S.R.S.Varadhan Courant Institute of Mathematical Sciences New York University August 31, 2000
154 CHAPTER 5. MARTINGALES. 5.2 Martingale Convergence Theorems. If F nis an increasing family of σ-fields and X nis a martingale sequence with respect to F n,one can always assume without loss of generality that the full σ-field Fis the smallest σ-field generated by ∪ nF n.If for some p≥1, X ∈L p, and we define X n = E[X|F n]thenX n is a martingale and by Jensen’s …
400 S. R. S. VARADHAN 2. Rate functions, duality and generating functions. We start with i.i.d. random variables and look at the sample mean Yn = Sn n = X1 +···+Xn n. According to a theorem of Cramér, its distribution Pn satisfies a large deviation principle with a rate function h(a) given by h(a)=sup θ θa−logE[eθX].
Lec of Varadhan - New York University
THERE IS NO CLASS ON NOV 7. Chapters available now: Reserve List . Introduction .pdf file. Chapter 1 of notes .ps file Chapter 1 of notes .pdf file
Lec of Varadhan - math.nyu.edu
Real variables II Syllabus . Part 1. Part 2. Part 3. Part 4. Problems.2.25. Problems.3.3