Need to select list of billing documents to shipment document …
My client requirement is while creating Shipment document (VT01n) In steed of delivery documents need to select Billing documents.. is it possible...? if it is possible kindly help me …
F4 help in Standard screen field(VT01N or VT02N) | SAP Community
I have a requirement of providing F4(Search help) to a field Container ID which appears in tcode VT01N or VT02N. Container ID is a field in table VTTK and SIGNI is column in it. I searched …
Add Data in "External ID 1" in VT01N - SAP Community
Dear All, I want to add data in "External ID 1" for t-code VT01N, but, i don't know where i go to do configuration in SPRO. please see the screenshot: Please help!
VT01N- make picking date field blank - SAP Community
Hi experts, Any one can tell me the user exit/badi. I want to make picking date field blank. Tcode- VT01N ---click on deliveries then new pop window will come. Thanks, Amol Message was …
Is there any userexit/enhancement/BADI that I can use to do …
I want to do user specific data check on the deliveries that add/change/delete from the shipment via vt01n / vt02n. However, I check out almost all the enhancement and BADIs that shipment …
Custom Z-Field in Addit. Data Tab of VT01N / VT02N / VT03N
Hello Experts, I have a requirement to add a custom Z-Field under Additional data tab of VT0*N transaction. I searched through SCN and I couldn't find any suitable answers.
BAPI - SAP Community
"Shipment" VT01N/VT02N and "Billing" VF01. Please help me ,i need all bapis. To be reward all helpfull ...