115 HP v4 VRO Johnson what is VRO? - iboats Boating Forums
Apr 13, 2009 · Re: 115 HP v4 VRO Johnson what is VRO? When the VRO pump first came out, it stood for variable ratio oiling. These pumps would vary the amount of oil from 100 to 1 at idle …
Somebody please explain what VRO is/does? - iboats Boating …
Jun 19, 2002 · Re: Somebody please explain what VRO is/does? All 2 strokes require oil to be mixed with gas for lubrication purposes. On older motors, and some newer by choice, you …
vro and how does it work? - iboats Boating Forums
Jun 21, 2007 · Re: vro and how does it work? What year is your engine? You will most likely find the VRO pump attached to the breather box, the pump is black and has a bunch of fuel and oil …
VRO Pump Leaking Badly! - iboats Boating Forums
Dec 17, 2010 · Re: VRO Pump Leaking Badly! Yes just remove it, taking note of the fuel line arrangement and you can buy a regular pump to fit on the engine and replumb. Takes about …
VRO Rebuild Kit | Boating Forum - iboats Boating Forums
Jun 2, 2020 · The rebuild kits seem to not have the longevity of the original. Also if you think the fuel side needed to be rebuilt why not the oil side?? I prefer either eliminating the oil side on a …
How to remove VRO system? - iboats Boating Forums
Jan 15, 2010 · Re: How to remove VRO system? VRO conversion w/ pump still working if the fuel side on your Pump is still working it is very simple. unplug the 2 line harness going to the oil …
VRO Failure- What are the symtoms? Quick death or slow failure.
Jun 23, 2012 · Re: VRO Failure- What are the symtoms? Quick death or slow failure. my 150 vro seemed to quit immediatly,alarms worked. but I had just bought mine and there was silicone …
VRO (3 wire vs 4 wire) | Boating Forum - iboats Boating Forums
Jul 21, 2009 · Re: VRO (3 wire vs 4 wire) I've read that the 4th wire was introduced to provide 12V power for the alarm circuit board, since the previous 3 wire versions use rectified voltage from …
To remove VRO or not to remove? - iboats Boating Forums
May 9, 2013 · Re: To remove VRO or not to remove? You obviously feel that your VRO pump is old and its reliability is in doubt. VRO pumps do fail, some much younger than yours. It is a …
WARNING!!! To all VRO users - iboats Boating Forums
May 6, 2009 · Re: WARNING!!! To all VRO users 1st your 2001 motor does not have a VRO, VRO2 pump, it has an OMS pump, get the terminology correct.