115 HP v4 VRO Johnson what is VRO? - iboats Boating Forums
2009年4月13日 · Re: 115 HP v4 VRO Johnson what is VRO? When the VRO pump first came out, it stood for variable ratio oiling. These pumps would vary the amount of oil from 100 to 1 at …
How to remove VRO system? - iboats Boating Forums
2010年1月15日 · 1 - Cut and plug the oil line at the engine so that the oil side of the VRO pump will not draw air into its system. Trace the wires from the back of the VRO to its rubber plug …
Somebody please explain what VRO is/does? - Boating Forum
2002年6月19日 · The system injects oil into the fuel BEFORE it gets to the carburetors.<br /><br />Have VRO systems failed-sure they have, so have water pumps and other components that …
vro and how does it work? - iboats Boating Forums
2007年6月21日 · boat has sat along time 3yrs.115hp johnson o/b is there a pump in the engine. that may need looking at since it sat so long. how does that oil get up to the engine. i know …
VRO Pump Leaking Badly! - iboats Boating Forums
2010年12月17日 · Re: VRO Pump Leaking Badly! Tom, you can purchase Bombardier part# 0438559 (std. fuel pump) . Utilize the VRO bracket by cutting and placing a small piece of …
VRO Rebuild Kit | Boating Forum - iboats Boating Forums
2020年6月2日 · Hi I-boaters, Happy Summer for the USA folk! I recently decided to replace the diaphragm kit for my 98 150, 60 Looper. Even though the motor runs fine it was more …
VRO (3 wire vs 4 wire) | Boating Forum - iboats Boating Forums
2009年7月21日 · Ran clear hose on output side of VRO and pressure tested. At 800 RPMs the pressure would gradually drop from 7 to 3.5 PSI within 15 to 18 second cycles. Each time …
WARNING!!! To all VRO users - iboats Boating Forums
2009年5月6日 · Re: WARNING!!! To all VRO users I have a '98 115hp ' rude.seized up. 1st mechanic did not mention vro pump. 2nd mechanic said 1st thing is r&r vro pump. I do not …
Vro pump, how to check | Boating Forum - iboats Boating Forums
2002年1月28日 · Re: Vro pump, how to check The VRO is both a fuel pump and an oil pump - it is operated by an air motor which uses a diaphragm and rectifier valves to convert crankcase …
VRO oil injection bypass? - iboats Boating Forums
2007年6月4日 · The signals from the VRO are: No oil - continuous short pulses; Low oil - short pulse every 20 seconds; Fuel restriction - constant horn at or near full throttle. The …