A look inside a VOG-17 Grenade which is often used by ... - Reddit
2022年4月29日 · The VOG-17 is meant to be shot from an automatic grenade launcher like this: https: ...
which grenade to use? : r/EscapefromTarkov - Reddit
2022年8月30日 · Pretty sure Gigabeef did a breakdown on grenades. Basically the big differences are fuse times. M67 is pretty long. F1 and RGD-5 are normal, and the vogs are the shortest. I believe the Vog-17 is shorter than the Vog-25 but i'm going from memory. The Vog-17 has a smaller kill radius.
Timing of new VOG-17 grenades : r/EscapefromTarkov - Reddit
2020年3月12日 · The VOG-17 grenades will also kill at the feet, making it very viable for clearing out small rooms, like inside of dorms or in Shoreline. This grenade as of right now, is roughly 9K roubles when traded for (It requires a single fuze to trade with mechanic for one grenade) As an aside, what the voice in the video is talking about.
calibration pieces for vog-17 model : r/Fins4UA - Reddit
What I mean by that is the vog-17 has threads at the top for what I assume a fuse and the body contains the payload. tl;dr: is there an stl file for fuse + payload that would allow me to confirm clearances + quality?
Best Grenades...? : r/EscapefromTarkov - Reddit
2022年8月29日 · VOG-25s are 2 seconds so they're the best offensive grenade outside of impacts. Just slightly guess where they're going and throw there. Also best for airbursting, just throw nade over a wall or over a building and you can rain hell down on people. VOG-17s are 3 seconds, fucking fly whenever you throw them, spit out 100 fragments at 120 damage per.
Whats your favourite grenade? : r/EscapefromTarkov - Reddit
2022年8月30日 · Title kind of speaks for itself but when it comes to me i think overall the vog-17 is my favourite with its short but not too short fuze and good range/damage, plus i find a lot of fuzes lurking around in boxes perfect for a barter. Though obviously impact nades definitely have their moments, and they have those moments a lot.
Where to find VOG-17 Grenades (FiR)? : r/EscapefromTarkov - Reddit
2021年11月11日 · hope this doesn't get a lot of views because its my secret grnade box thats rarely looted, but there is a grenade box in factory in the open tunnel area underneath the med tent. its basically in the pile of rubble near the center of the room. i've found a lot in there, even with 5 minutes left. good luck
Where to find VOG-17, the long uncraftable one? - Reddit
2023年1月27日 · I have a weekly task needed to fir smoke grenade and vog-17. Anyone knows where to get it? I did a lot of interchange grenade box scav run, only have a little of smoke grenade and none of vog-17.
Why I always carry a VOG-25 : r/EscapefromTarkov - Reddit
Now I don't actually care much about that loot at all. I just thought this was a good example of how powerful the VOG-25 is, but I guess you are one of those people who can't let a day pass without trashing someones post on Reddit. Must be sad to be so angry all the time.
Modifying VOG-17 grenades using 3D printed parts, for dropping …
2022年6月15日 · Modifying VOG-17 grenades using 3D printed parts, for dropping from drones. Aircraft, UAVs, Drones