Type 08 - Wikipedia
Armed with a 105 mm rifled gun, coaxial machine gun and 12.7 mm anti-air machine gun, the Assault gun is based on the IFV chassis and can provide direct fire support for infantry battalions and engage enemy light vehicles and stationary targets such as bunkers.
VN-1 - Guide to Military Equipment and Civil Aviation
The NORINCO VN-1 is an advanced 8x8 infantry fighting vehicle (IFV) derived from the ZBD09 armored vehicle deployed by the People’s Liberation Army (PLA). The amphibious vehicle is equipped with water jets and features a roof-mounted unmanned turret with a 30mm cannon along with a 7.62mm machine gun.
VN系列外贸装甲车外观识别不完全汇总 - 知乎 - 知乎专栏
根据现有资料推测,CS/VN-3A指的是重庆大江出口东欧国家的装甲车,CS/VN-3B是F1为基础的改进型号,CS/VN-3C则是F2为基础的改进型号,可以明显看出新的VN3体型有所加高加长,动力系统应有相当改进。 不排除两个厂家的产品技术来源都是上述的研究所。 CS/VN-3B与CS/VN-3C. 无论B型还是C型,在各种防务展中出现的往往是带有一代通用30单人炮塔的机炮型号。 而我军装备的新空降战车则与CS/VN-3B非常相似,区别只是降低了火力。
中國 VN-1 八輪 裝甲戰鬥車 - mdc.idv.tw
VN-1咸信採用了減低噪音、震動、熱量的技術,並配備全車核生化防護系統與自動滅火抑爆系統;另外,車上也配備了各國新一代裝甲車主流趨勢的車載整合管理/導航/通信傳輸系統,包括可供駕駛、車長存取的整合電腦系統以及車間數位資料鏈,能在各車之間交換戰術資訊,駕駛與車長席都有電腦介面 來存取車載電腦系統的各項資訊;此外,車上也裝備了駕駛用熱影影像儀。 根據北方公司的說法,中國陸軍自用的VN-1將配備較為高檔的配備,包括穩像式射控系統、慣 …
VN-1 / ZBL-09 armored vehicle - GlobalSecurity.org
Equipped with a 12.7mm machine gun, the VN-1 armored vehicle weighs about 21 tons and can carry 11 heavily armed soldiers and 3 crew members. Body made of bullet-proof protection, front armor can...
ZBL-09 / VN-1 IFV | Thai Military and Asian Region
2016年7月13日 · With add-on armor fitted the ZBL-09 can be considered as a wheeled IFV. It is speculated that vehicle utilizes design elements and technologies protecting occupants from landmines and IED blasts. Vehicle is also likely to have NBC protection and automatic fire suppression systems.
ZBD-09 Snow Leopard wheeled IFV (2009) - tank-afv.com
It was developed and produced on the VN1 8x8 export wheeled vehicle by the Chinese Defense Company NORINCO (China North Industries Corp) and first revealed in a parade in Beijing for the 60th anniversary of the Chinese army (PLA), the 01 …
NORINCO VN1 APC / ZBL09 IFV / PLL09 / ZTL09 Type 09 8 x 8 …
2012年12月24日 · The first Type 09 variant to enter service in China was as an Infantry Fighting Vehicle (IFV) with the designation ZBL09. The Type 09 chassis has since been used on a wide range of combat vehicles. the basic ZSL09 Armored Personnel Carrier (APC)
China’s Norinco VN-1 Infantry Fighting Vehicle (IVF)
2020年4月19日 · According to French newspaper La Tribune, the Moroccan army signed a contract to purchase 36 Atmos 2000 self-propelled artillery systems from.
Gabonese Military displays Norinco VN1 8×8 IFVs
2019年8月25日 · During the Gabonese independence day military parade which held on 17 August, the country’s elite Republican Guard (GR) paraded several Chinese-made Norinco VN1 8×8 infantry fighting vehicles (IFVs) for the first time.