VF-84 (1955–1995) - Wikipedia
VF-84, Fighter Squadron 84 was an aviation unit of the United States Navy. Originally established as VA-86 on 1 July 1955, it was immediately redesignated as VF-84 and was disestablished on 1 October 1995.
VF-84 - Wikipedia
Fighter Squadron 84 or VF-84 was an aviation unit of the United States Navy. Originally established on 1 May 1944, it was disestablished on 8 October 1945. It was the first US Navy squadron to be designated as VF-84. [1] VF-84 flew F4U Corsairs and was formed around a nucleus of veterans of VF-17, the Jolly Rogers.
VF-84 Jolly Rogers fighter squadron FITRON EIGHT FOUR US Navy …
VF-84 flew critical TARPS reconnaissance missions during Operation Deny Flight, providing information about Bosnian Serb positions around Sarajevo. The squadron also flew in support of Operation Southern Watch, enforcing the no-fly zone over southern Iraq.
海盗旗中队 - 百度百科
第84海军舰载战斗机中队 (VF-84) 是美国海军曾经的一支非常著名的战机中队,它的中队绰号为“海盗旗”(Jolly Rogers) 曾驻扎在奥西安纳海军航空站并以此作为母基地。
VF-84 Jolly Rogers - Military Aircraft Historian
Most aviation enthusiasts think of VF-84 as the Jolly Rogers (see patch below), but the squadron designation and the name have not always been synonymous. It's the biggest example of the US Navy's confusion on the history of its squadrons. It started with …
第84戰鬥機中隊 (美國海軍) - 維基百科,自由的百科全書
第84戰鬥機中隊(英語: Fighter Squadron 84, VF-84 )是一支曾在1955至1995年間存在過的美國海軍航空部隊。 單位綽號 海盜旗 (Jolly Rogers,有時又譯為 骷髏 )的VF-84,駐紮地是位在 維吉尼亞州 的 歐希安納海軍航空站 (NAS Oceana)。
美国海航F-14中队补完计划——第八期(VF-84\VF-103) - 哔哩哔哩
Oct 31, 2020 · 1995年10月1日,著名的vf-84“海盗旗”中队被解散,成为了冷战后裁军的牺牲品。 而VF-103也面临着被解散或改编的局面。 不过中队做了一个相当高明的举动——向海军申请继承“海盗旗”名称和骷髅飘带标识的使用权,这一申请得到了许可。
VF-84 - Military Wiki
VF-84, Fighter Squadron 84 was an aviation unit of the United States Navy active from 1955 to 1995. The squadron was nicknamed the Jolly Rogers and was based at NAS Oceana. Five distinct U.S. Naval Aviation squadrons have used either the designation VF-84 or the name and insignia of the Jolly...
第84战斗机中队 (美国海军) - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
第84战斗机中队 (英语: Fighter Squadron 84, VF-84)是一支曾在1955至1995年间存在过的 美国海军 航空部队。 单位绰号 海盗旗 (Jolly Rogers,有时又译为 骷髅)的VF-84,驻扎地是位在 维吉尼亚州 的 欧希安纳海军航空站 (NAS Oceana)。 Tony Holmes (2005). US Navy F-14 Tomcat Units of Operation Iraqi Freedom, Osprey Publishing Limited.
VF-84“海盗”(骷髅)中队 - TOMCAT521.COM
VF-84”Jolly Rogers” 的名字和标志源于二次大战的 VF-17 。 当时 VF-17 是飞 F4U 海盗,他们为了配合海盗之名,于是就用了骷髅头和两根骨头作为标志。 VF-17 在 1944 年 4 月解散, VF-61 继承了 ”Jolly Rogers” 的名字。