Where to professionally repair/refurbish a vintage VCR in the year …
2021年7月13日 · The the odds of you finding VCR worth repairing at a price worth repairing is slim to none as they're still a hot, hot item. Even a new in box, never opened AG-1960 needs a checking over and probably new caps and belts. $$$ As for repair services. TGPhoto.com does repairs on some Panasonic and JVC VCRs.
How bad is VCR repair nowadays (cost-wise)? - VideoHelp Forum
2004年7月31日 · 2. This guy couldn't find my vcr after a week (even though it had my name on it attached clearly by me). So gave me another vcr. But the lady in the shop told me privately that that vcr has been given to 3 customers already & returned by …
Deter's AG-1980 Repair Service - VideoHelp Forum
2020年10月31日 · Orsetto, you are going back to my origins with all this. Lord Smurf told me the JVC DVD recorders were the best, so I purchased two of them. Both would go in to auto loading mode. I called a repair guy out of the yellow pages and met him in a coffee shop, he repaired the unit in the shop. I gave him $40. We had no TV and could not test the machine.
VCR Repair Parts Availability - VideoHelp Forum
2024年1月25日 · I have a Sony VCR with 6 heads that needs servicing and I want to have a go at making it work, but I need to know if any faulty parts (mainly mechanical) can be ordered as new parts. Also if I decide to leave it with a repair shop locally (still looking for a reliable shop), if they would replace faulty parts with new ones.
I want to learn VCR repair PANASONIC VCR maintenance …
2018年5月18日 · I'm afraid you have to learn pretty much everything about a VCR and supplemental instrumentation before you can manage alignment and switch detection. If you think alignment is just a quickie twist with a nylon screwdriver, you have a …
advice about vcr repair. - VideoHelp Forum
2005年1月11日 · That one sound good but digital video files are way easier to work with and better quallity unless you compare the cheapest digital to the most expensive VCR. That does sound like a really good VCR but Why do you even need a VCR. VHS Media is too expensive. I pay one USA Dollar for good VHS, but I pay 50 cents for good DVD media. **** VCR's.
JVC VCR Repair Service 7000 & 9000 Series & Professional Line
2023年4月24日 · Because VHS is a limited format, need and want the best possible picture quality, that is why we recommend only using the Best VCR's. The rest you are wasting your time and energy on. For example the JVC HR-S4500U is not a bad VCR but vs the 7800 model; not in the same class. If both units are broken, they really have no value.
Mitsubishi VCR HS-U748 rewind/fast forward problem
2016年3月11日 · It is also normal for the sound and wind-speed to shift abruptly near the middle of a T120, and slow down dramatically as the end of the reel approaches. During the course of a normal end-to-end FF/REW cycle, highest speed will sustain from full-reel to mid-reel, slow down a bit from mid-reel to quarter-reel, then slow noticeably from approx ...
Some questions about vhs tapes, VCRs & damage caused between …
2019年3月17日 · I have been using a toshiba vcr (made around 2002) to watch all my old vhs tapes. It rewinds and fast-forwards very quickly and I have been using it for months watching hundreds of tapes without issue. But a couple of days ago something happened that upset me very much and am very nervous to use it again.
How to clean vcr heads without damaging and opening the VCR
2007年1月23日 · Isopropanol can be had around here in 99% concentration for about a buck a pint. It's all I've ever needed. As far asking "How to clean vcr heads without damaging and opening the VCR" you might as well ask "How to make love without opening a Zipper". It can be done, but there are easier and more caring ways.