Airborne Command & Control Squadron (VAW) 125
VAW-125 is a forward-deployed E-2 Hawkeye airborne command and control squadron operating from Marine Corps Air Station, Iwakuni, Japan, and attached to Carrier Air Wing (CVW) 5.
VAW-125 - Wikipedia
Airborne Command & Control Squadron 125 (VAW-125), known as the "Torch Bearers" or "Tigertails", was established on 1 October 1968, at Naval Air Station Norfolk.
About Us - United States Navy
Established in 1968, VAW-125 was the first squadron to deploy with the E-2D Advanced Hawkeye Aircraft and is currently serving in Forward Deployed Naval Forces, Japan. The E-2D Advanced Hawkeye...
VAW-125 Tigertails Airborne Command & Control Squadron Navy
VAW-125 flew over 890 combat hours controlling strikes on Iraqi targets while providing airborne early warning (AEW) coverage for the Red Sea Battle Group. On a 17 January 1991 strike, Tigertail aircrew detected two Iraqi MiG-21s threatening the strike group.
新領域で警戒を始めるタイガーテイル - Marine Corps Air ...
Feb 7, 2017 · 米海兵隊岩国航空基地 -- 米海軍E-2Dアドバンスド(先進型)・ホークアイが2月2日、第125早期警戒飛行隊(VAW-125)と共に、岩国基地に到着した。 VAW-125のニックネームはタイガーテイルズ。
Commanding Officer - United States Navy
CDR Siegele returned to the fleet in March of 2017 as a Super Junior Officer in VAW 125, the “Tigertails,” the E-2 Forward Deployed Naval Forces squadron. While a Super JO, he deployed on two...
航母编队的眼睛:E-2A/B/C/D鹰眼空中预警机 - 知乎
在2014年3月27日,美国海军舰载早期预警机第125中队(Airborne Early Warning Squadron 125,VAW-125)的E-2D机队投入战备,同年10月上旬达成初始作战能力(IOC)。 除了美国海军外,韩国、印度、法国、马来西亚、泰国与阿拉伯联合大公国都对E-2D表达了高度兴趣。
VAW-125 returns to MCAS Iwakuni > Marine Corps Air Station …
Aug 17, 2017 · U.S. Navy E-2D Advanced Hawkeyes with Carrier Airborne Early Warning Squadron (VAW) 125 “Tigertails” arrived at Marine Corps Air Station Iwakuni, Japan, Aug. 9, 2017.
VAW-125 - Wikiwand
Airborne Command & Control Squadron 125 (VAW-125), known as the "Torch Bearers" or "Tigertails", was established on 1 October 1968, at Naval Air Station Norfolk...
The Tigertails of VAW-125 conduct in-flight Change of Command
SOUTH CHINA SEA (Oct. 26, 2022) – Airborne Command and Control Squadron (VAW) 125 — commonly called the “Tigertails” — conducted an in-flight change of command ceremony, while flying from the...