WAM-V Autonomous Surface Vehicles (ASVs) | OPT Marine Robotics
Experience unrivaled stability, portability, efficiency, and endurance with the WAM-V®, the ultimate solution for autonomous surface vehicles. Say goodbye to the challenges of marine environments and unlock a new level of data capture capabilities for your commercial, scientific, or defense-related maritime applications.
Advantages of WAM-V ASV Technology - OPT Marine Robotics
The WAM-V 16 is the most maneuverable autonomous surface vessel (ASV) available. Capable of turning 360 degrees in its own length, the WAM-V 16 makes quick speed and course corrections, allowing it to have the best on-track performance on the market.
WAM-V Autonomous Surface Vehicles (ASVs) - OPT Marine Robotics
The Wave Adaptive Modular Vessel, or WAM-V®, is an innovative class of watercraft that uses unique suspension technology to radically improve seagoing capabilities. The articulating system uses springs, shocks and ball joints to minimize structural loading.
减震无人船或波浪自适应无人船 - CSDN博客
2023年4月12日 · 文章介绍了采用悬挂减震系统提升无人船稳定性的新型设计,特别是MarineAdvancedRobotics公司的WAM-V系列,这些无人船通过独特的悬挂技术适应水面波动,确保多波束测量的精确性和无人机操作的可行性。
智能无人艇发展动态:波浪自适应模块化无人艇 (WAM-V)
2021年8月17日 · Marine Advanced Robotics公司设计的波浪自适应模块化无人艇采用了一种独特悬挂技术,从而在根本上提高了无人船的海面适应能力。 与传统船只不同,波浪自适应模块化无人艇采用柔性的铰接与悬挂结构以顺应水面波动,从而保持平台的平稳与水平。 其铰接系统使用了弹簧,消振器以及球形关节,充气浮筒可以有效实现缓冲,两个发动机吊舱则铰接在船体上,使螺旋桨始终保持在水中,进一步提高了波浪自适应模块化无人艇的稳定性和可控性。 船身长与梁 …
Ocean Power Technologies Secures Order for Fully Integrated WAM-V …
2 天之前 · We also provide WAM-V ® unmanned surface vehicles (USV’s) and marine robotics services. The Company’s headquarters is located in Monroe Township, New Jersey and has an additional office in ...
Ocean Power Technologies Secures Contract for Integrated WAM-V …
2 天之前 · Ocean Power Technologies secures a contract for a WAM-V® from a European Offshore Services Provider, expanding its market presence. Ocean Power Technologies, Inc. (OPT), a leader in sustainable ...
刷新對「參考級」的想像-試聽 Wilson Audio Alexx V - U-Audio
WAMM 的意思是 Wilson Audio Modular Monitor,就是模組化監聽喇叭,將近四十年前推出的 WAMM,就已經實現將高、中、低音喇叭全部模組化,藉由機械結構調整時間相位一致。這是 Wilson Audio 一以貫之的設計理念,數十年來的研發都是窮盡辦法,將核心理念做到趨近完美。
Spider-legged WAM-V suspension boats float over the waves
2022年5月20日 · In a nutshell, a WAM-V is an ultra-light catamaran with hulls mounted on clever suspension legs that use springs, shocks and ball joints to move with the waves, helping to stabilize...
Command and Control System - OPT Marine Robotics
When you buy or lease a WAM-V® from OPT, the command and control system is designed for safety and reliability, whether the boat is operated manually or in an autonomous behavior mode. A WAM-V can be operated at a range that surpasses the operator's vision.