Referencing "ThisWorkbook" from a from in an Excel VB .NET Project
2014年10月7日 · Referencing "ThisWorkbook" from a from in an Excel VB .NET Project. Archived Forums 421-440 > Visual Basic.
MSComm in VB.NET
2009年6月21日 · Visual Basic https://qa.social.msdn.microsoft.com/forums/vstudio/en-us/207db17c-c1e7-4f03-bb9a-1843fec3c899/mscomm-in-vbnet?forum=vbgeneral Question 8
VB: How do I pass functions as arguments to other functions
2007年5月31日 · I think the subject line is pretty clear. I am using visual basic express. I know my code doesn't work but it ...
[VB.net 2008] Working with Multiple forms
2008年11月14日 · Hi All, I have read and re-read the topic on Working with Multiple Forms in Visual Basic.Net and I still cannot get ...
VB.NET Form Events V's C# Form Events - social.msdn.microsoft.com
2007年11月19日 · I have just come across something that has quite a large impact on writing form code. It appears that in VB.NET ...
Pass string from C dll to VB 2010 - qa.social.msdn.microsoft.com
2013年6月4日 · Pass string from C dll to VB 2010. Visual Studio Languages , .NET Framework > Visual Basic. Visual Basic ...
Unable to get z4opencfgSTD() method working on USPS AMS …
2012年8月9日 · Unable to get z4opencfgSTD() method working on USPS AMS (Address matching system) to work under web/vb.net Interop project.
vc++ to vb.net - social.msdn.microsoft.com
2012年3月24日 · vc++ to vb.net. Archived Forums 421-440 > Visual Basic. Visual Basic ...
Grouping WPF Datagrid in Vb .net - social.msdn.microsoft.com
2013年5月29日 · hi all of you, I want to group for one column, named "autor" This is my XAML stuff: <DataGrid x:Name="dgvLlibres ...
DateDiff in VB 2013 returns the wrong answer (date interval is set …
2015年10月2日 · Given 2 dates, and an interval of days, the return value from DateDiff gives the difference in days but it is less ...