V. K. N. - Wikipedia
Vadakkke Koottala Narayanankutty Nair, commonly known as V.K.N. (7 April 1929 – 25 January 2004), was a prominent Malayalam writer, noted mainly for his highbrow satire. [1] He wrote novels, short stories and political commentaries.
വി കെ എന് | V.K.N. (Author of പയ്യൻ കഥകൾ …
2004年1月25日 · V.K.N.' or VKN (abbreviated from his full name Vadakkke Koottala Narayanankutty Nair) (6 April 1932 - 25 January 2004) was a pathbreaking and celebrated Malayalam writer, noted mainly for his high-brow satire. Apart from novels, he wrote short stories and political commentaries.
Books by വി കെ എന് | V.K.N. - Goodreads
വി കെ എന് | V.K.N. has 55 books on Goodreads with 10454 ratings. വി കെ എന് | V.K.N.’s most popular book is പയ്യൻ കഥകൾ [Payyan Kathakal].
V. K. N. - Wikiwand
Vadakkke Koottala Narayanankutty Nair, commonly known as V.K.N. (7 April 1929 – 25 January 2004), was a prominent Malayalam writer, noted mainly for his highbrow satire. He wrote novels, short stories and political commentaries.
互联网人必须要懂的“梅特卡夫定律” - 前瞻经济学人
2020年12月15日 · “梅特卡夫定律”的表述非常简单—— 一个网络的价值和这个网络节点数的平方成正比,用公式表述就是:V=K×N²,其中V代表一个网络的价值,N代表这个网络的节点数,K代表价值系数。 那么,这个看似极其简单的公式为什么会受到互联网人如此高度的推崇呢? 在回答这个问题之前,我们还是简单来了解一下“奇人”梅特卡夫: 罗伯特·梅特卡夫1946年出生于纽约布鲁克林,年轻时的梅特卡夫是一个标准的学霸,在麻省理工获得了工程学和管理学的双学位,之 …
വി കെ എൻ - V K N | M3DB
2004年1月25日 · ഇന്ത്യൻ രാഷ്ട്രീയത്തിലെ പല പകിടകളികളും മനസ്സിലാക്കുവാൻ ഈ ഊഴം അദ്ദേഹത്തെ സഹായിച്ചു. 1955 മുതൽ സാഹിത്യരംഗത്തു പ്രവർത്തിച്ചു തുടങ്ങിയ വി കെ എൻ കേരളസാഹിത്യ അക്കാദമിയുടെ വൈസ്പ്രസിഡന്റായും കിള്ളിക്കുറിശ്ശിമംഗലത്ത് …
V. K. N. - Wikiwand
Vadakkke Koottala Narayanankutty Nair, commonly known as V.K.N., was a prominent Malayalam writer, noted mainly for his highbrow satire. He wrote novels, short stories and political commentaries. His works are noted for their multi-layered humour, trenchant criticism of the socio-political classes and ability to twist the meanings of words ...
പയ്യൻ കഥകൾ [Payyan Kathakal] by വി കെ എന് | V.K.N. | Goodreads
"Payyan" (meaning "lad" in Malayalam) is the alter ego of Vadakke Koottala Narayanankutty Nair, or V.K.N as he is known to his readers. V.K.N created his own signature style in Malayalam, combining terse sentences, absurd statements and comical juxtapositions to create a kind of humour which was a mixture of Kafka with Stephen Leacock.
ഫലിതം മലയാളിയുടെ …
2025年1月25日 · ഈ അപാരമായ സ്വാതന്ത്ര്യം വി. കെ. എൻ, the life and works of V.K.N, whose unconventional style and humor continue to resonate വി. കെ. …
V. K. N. - Bharatpedia
2004年1月25日 · Vadakkke Koottala Narayanankutty Nair, commonly known as V.K.N. (7 April 1929 – 25 January 2004), was a prominent Malayalam writer, noted mainly for his highbrow satire. He wrote novels, short stories...