カード・コンポーネント - Vuetify
The v-card component has multiple children components that help you build complex examples without having to worry about spacing. This example is comprised of the v-card-title, v-card-text and v-card-actions components.
Card component - Vuetify
Mar 12, 2025 · The v-card component has multiple children components that help you build complex examples without having to worry about spacing. This example is comprised of the v-card-title, v-card-text and v-card-actions components.
v-card API — Vuetify
Specifies an image background for the card. For more advanced implementations, it is recommended that you use the v-img component. You can find a v-img example here .
v-card-text API — Vuetify
API for the v-card-text component. Vuetify 2 has reached EOL and is no longer actively maintained. Upgrade to Vuetify 3 or learn more about Vuetify 2 EOL. Latest release . v2.7.2 # v-card-text API # Component Pages . Cards # Props . Filter. name. type. default. description # …
v-card API — Vuetify
API for the v-card component. 指定された色をコントロールに適用します。利用できるのはマテリアルカラーの名前 (たとえば、success または purple) または css 表記の色 (#033またはrgba(255, 0, 0, 0.5)) です。colors のページ で、組み込みクラスのリストが確認できます。 # dark
v-card API — Vuetify
API for the v-card component. 指定控件颜色,颜色值可以是 Material 颜色(例如 success或者 purple )也可以是 Css 颜色 (例如 #033 或者 ...
Card 卡片 - Vuetify
Using v-list-items and a v-slider, we are able to create a unique weather card. The list components ensure that we have consistent spacing and functionality while the slider component allows us to provide a useful interface of selection to the user.
Scroll directive - Vuetify
Mar 12, 2025 · v-scroll targets the window by default but can also watch the element it’s being bound to. In the following example we use the self modifier, v-scroll.self , to watch the v-card element specifically.
Sheet component - Vuetify
Mar 12, 2025 · The v-sheet component is the baseline for numerous components such as v-card, v-toolbar, and more. The available properties form the foundation of Material Design — the concept of paper and elevation (shadows).
v-carousel API — Vuetify
API for the v-carousel component.