MyPlate replaced the Food Guide Pyramid, which was made before the internet. With the advancement of technology, MyPlate takes what we’ve learned from the Food Pyramid and now provides a personalized approach to healthy eating to help you meet your goals.
Want to incorporate MyPlate into your daily life? These tools can help you build healthy habits, learn more about the food groups, and get personalized healthy eating tips.
MyPlate has information and materials for kids/ children. Get kids started on a healthy eating adventure with these games and activities! Teach them about MyPlate and the 5 food groups to set them on a path towards a healthy future.
USDA MyPlate resources include: MyPlate Tools -- to test your knowledge, build nutrition skills, and make a healthy eating plan for you and your family; Print Materials -- PDFs available to download and print materials; Graphics -- including multiple versions of MyPlate in high-resolution and standard-resolution file formats; and Videos -- including topics such as Start Simple with …
The MyPlate Plan* shows your food group targets – what and how much to eat within your calorie allowance. Your food plan is personalized, based on your: Age; Sex; Height; Weight; Physical activity level; To get started, click on the "Start" button. You …
The USDA MyPlate Food Group Gallery page shows lists of foods for each of the five food groups. Hyperlinked foods show pictures of a specific amount in cup-equivalents (for fruits, vegetables, or dairy) and ounce-equivalents (for grains and protein foods).
Wash hands with soap and water. If using canned (low-sodium) vegetables, drain, saving 2 tablespoons liquid. Cook onion, herbs, and garlic in the margarine/ butter in a small saucepan until onion is tender.