  1. Copilot 答案

    Ushanka hats are made from sheepskin (tsigeyka or mouton), karakul, rabbit, muskrat, mink and many other furs. Artificial fur hats are also manufactured and are referred to as "fish fur" since the material is not from any real animal. … 展开

    Current use

    Identified with Soviet rule and issued in all Warsaw Pact armies, the ushanka has since become a part of the winter uniform for military and police forces in Canada and other Western countries with a cold winter. Gray (American … 展开

    Similar hats

    Trapper hats are "a sort of hybrid between the aviator cap and the ushanka—they combine the style of the former with the furriness of the latter". They are considered more casual than the military-derived ushanka. … 展开

  1. 包含 Ushanka Hat is 的结果。
    是否只需要 Unshanka Hats 的结果?
  2. 包含 Ushanka Hat is 的结果。
    是否只需要 Unshanka Hats 的结果?