Uninstalling the Battle.net Desktop App - Blizzard Support
Right-click on Battle.net and select Uninstall. This will begin the uninstallation process. Note: If you do not see Battle.net, look for Blizzard Battle.net desktop app. If the client is not listed, manually uninstall the Battle.net desktop app: Click Start ( Windows Key + Q in Windows 8), and select All Programs.
Uninstalling Games with the Battle.net Desktop App
Open the Battle.net desktop app, select the icon for the game you want to uninstall, select the drop down arrow next to the play button, then select Uninstall Game. To reinstall, select Install from the appropriate game tab.
Deleting Battle.net Files - Blizzard Support
Use Activity Monitor to quit all Agent, Blizzard Battle.net desktop app, and game processes. Using Finder, click the Go menu and select Computer. Navigate to the /Users/Shared/Battle.net/Agent directory. Delete agent.db and relaunch the Blizzard Battle.net desktop app.
BLZBNTBNU00000007 - Blizzard Support
For example, uninstalling the game while actively playing it. Wait for the current process to complete, and try again. Restart the Battle.net desktop app to clear any stalled Agent processes.
Delete Battle.net Account - Blizzard Support
Deleting your Battle.net account will remove access to your associated Activision games on Battle.net but will not delete your linked Activision account and associated Activision games data. To delete your Activision data click here .
BLZBNTBNU00000006 - Blizzard Support
Try to locate the game from the Battle.net App and try again. Uninstalling and reinstalling the Battle.net App may resolve rare launcher issues. Configure your security software's exception list to allow Blizzard applications to run.
BLZBNTBTS00000011 - Blizzard Support
Uninstalling and reinstalling the Battle.net App may resolve rare launcher issues. Configure your security software's exception list to allow Blizzard applications to run. Update your drivers and operating system to resolve any compatibility issues.
BLZBNTBNU00000005 - Blizzard Support
The Battle.net desktop app can't uninstall games directly with the uninstaller.exe file. Please use the Battle.net desktop app or Windows Control Panel to uninstall Battle.net games. If the issue persists, uninstall the game manually.
Search: uninstall - Blizzard Support - Battle.net
During technical troubleshooting, you may need to fully uninstall and reinstall a game.
Deleting the Battle.net Cache Folder - Blizzard Support
Right-click the Battle.net folder and select Move to Trash. Restart the Battle.net desktop app and relaunch the game.