Undulate Triggerfish Tankmates | Reef2Reef
2020年3月23日 · My LFS has a Undulate Trigger, it has been sold and returned at least 5 times. Each time the prospective owner has said it'll be fine in my large tank with big fish, every time when it settled it beat up the fish in their tanks. The last time it was a very large clown trigger, among sundry large angelfish and a big Sohal tang in a 10' tank.
Undulate Triggerfish tankmates (Yes, I know what you're thinking)
2017年7月29日 · My friend gave me a 3" female Undulate Triggerfish. Would these fish get along? I'm expecting the Damselfish and Triggerfish to fight (probably going to move the Damselfish), however, I am hoping that the Triggerfish doesn't harm the eel (maybe a few nips, but hopefully not serious damage). A lot of macroalgae and live rocks to create territory.
Undulate Trigger | Reef2Reef
2024年11月3日 · He had several fish in the aquarium including a ~3" Picasso triggerfish (Rhinecanthus aculeatus), ~3" Rectangle triggerfish (Rhinecanthus rectangulus), and a ~3" Undulate triggerfish. I kept the tank as acquired for about a year while planning a system upgrade and restock due to concerns about the aggression of the Undulate trigger.
Undulate Triggerfish tankmates (Yes, I know what you're thinking)
2017年7月29日 · Put a dragon moray in with him. Those are way too expensive IMO. Tessellated eels are cheaper and more than capable of handling themselves.
Saltwater Fish of the Day: Undulate Triggerfish
2013年7月29日 · Undulate Triggerfish (Orangelined Triggerfish) / Balistapus undulatus image Scientific Name - Balistapus undulatus Common Name - Undulate Triggerfish (Orangelined Triggerfish, Orangetailed Triggerfish) Size - 11.8" (30 cm Min. Aquarium Size - …
Undulate Triggerfish Tankmates | Page 2 | Reef2Reef
2020年3月23日 · I know this is a old 2 year old post, but I wanted to add some insight for the next person. I have a 480DT 540 with sump Mostly FOWLR with the exception of some (soft) corals. Zoas, GSP, pipe organ, and some mushroom that grow where they can. I currently have a 3-4yr old clown trigger 5"-6"...
Baby Undulated Triggerfish | Reef2Reef
2020年11月17日 · Other fish include a 3" Picasso triggerfish (Rhinecanthus aculeatus), a 3" rectangle triggerfish (Rhinecanthus rectangulus), a 2-1/2" green reef chromis (Chromis viridis), a 4" purple tang (Zebrasoma xanthurus), and a 12" snowflake eel (Echidna nebulosa).
Undulate Triggerfish tankmates (Yes, I know what you're thinking, …
2017年7月30日 · I have a 125 gallon with a juv. Snowflake Eel (over a foot long, only 1" diameter) and a Neon Velvet Damselfish (around 2-3"). My friend gave me a 3" female Undulate Triggerfish. Would these fish get along? I'm expecting the Damselfish and Triggerfish to …
Undulate triggerfish itching | Reef2Reef
2023年3月2日 · This trigger has came back to me 6th time in 2 years. I tried hard to donate it but this time it is itching, anal coming out and has cloudy eyes. It is in 60 gallon tank and is only fish their. Also cloudy fins. i
Red Tail Triggerfish | Reef2Reef
2015年7月20日 · I have read that some people have had success with triggerfish in their reef tanks. In the distant future, it might be the not reef safe fish I risk putting in my reef cause allot of people say theirs is a model citizen. Do you have one in yours? What is your experiences?