Ukhu - Axiom Verge Wiki
Ukhu is a Variant Clone of Athetos, which takes on the form of a giant wasp-like insect. Its exoskeleton has a purple-ish hue and it flies with four large opaque wings. Ukhu has two sharp mandibles, giving its jaw a beak-like appearance. It has …
Dialogues in Thread: the Quechua Concepts of Ayni, Ukhu, …
2002年1月18日 · Ukhu is the Quechua concept that posits that the inside, even when not visible outwardly, is actively influential to the whole. Like ayni , this signals another type of dual balance, here between the unseen and the seen, between the understood or …
Uqhu (Yauli) - Wikipedia
Uqhu (Quechua for swamp, [2] Hispanicized spelling Uco) or Ukhu (Quechua for deep) [2] is a mountain in the Paryaqaqa mountain range in the Andes of Peru, about 5,200 metres (17,060 ft) high. It is situated in the Junín Region, Yauli Province, Yauli District. Uqhu lies east of a lake named Wallaqucha (Huallacocha).
Pacha (Inca mythology) - Wikipedia
In Quechua, ukhu pacha (lit. "inferior pacha") [32] or rurin pacha [citation needed], a term used for "hell" in colonial sources, would have originally been the inner world. Ukhu pacha would have been associated with the dead as well as with new life. [29] The term would have had as its Aymara counterpart manqha pacha or manqhipacha. [28]
Boss: Ukhu Guide - Axiom Verge - Neoseeker
2024年4月14日 · Ukhu's most dangerous attack, however, is its "stab" move. This move has Ukhu charging downwards at you and hitting you with his arms (that look like lances) or his giant stinger. This move...
How on earth do I deal with Ukhu? : r/axiomverge - Reddit
2021年6月1日 · There's the speedrun method: Line yourself up with the floor blocks at certain spots at Ukhu's cycle timings - watch a video - then hack the spawns and use their splash damage on-death to one-kit KO Ukhu. Range Approach: Inertial Pulse (better) or Voranj (worse) to rack damage. Don't give full screen distance, Ukhu will just take it.
Ancient Perú · Threads of Time - Emory University
Here ancient Andean cloth is grouped into five conceptual categories: qumpi, ayni, tinku, ukhu, and q'iwa. These Quechua ideas inform us as to the creativity of ancient Andean weavers, who not only excelled in technique and design, but expressed deeply held beliefs in thread and dye.
公理边缘Axiom Verge的成就Hacker里一些容易漏掉的怪(转载)
Ukhu. 这里的紫蝙蝠跟Kur的红蝙蝠不一样,只能由在Edin的BOSS Ukhu召唤产生,也就是说一个存档里如果已经打完Ukhu且期间没有黑过紫蝙蝠,那就只能另开一个存档重新来过。
The Three Pacha Realms of Inca Mythology - How to Peru
Uku Pacha (variously Ukhu Pacha, Urin Pacha, Ucu Pacha) can be seen as the Inca underworld, although “inner world” or “below world” are perhaps more appropriate. Uku Pacha lay beneath the human realm of Kay Pacha, and was, perhaps unsurprisingly, a place where those unfit for Hanan Pacha would go upon their deaths.
ukhu - Wiktionary, the free dictionary
ukhu. interior body, inside (architecture) room (geography) intertropical region