Psychologists Say 'Um' and 'Uh' Have Meaning - ABC News
2002年6月5日 · Their analyses show that the "um" sound almost always sets up a long delay in speech, while the sound "uh" signals only a brief pause.
Spelling Interjections and Exclamations - The Editor's Blog
2014年5月29日 · uh —placeholder signifying hesitation, confusion, ignorance, or even guilt, often indicating that the speaker is thinking frantically; may be followed by an ellipsis (Uh, I think it’s that one. Uh . . . I’m not sure that what you’re saying is true.); variations are a h, er, and um.
What to call words like uh, um, uh-huh, hmm - WordReference …
2006年12月5日 · The narrow meaning is words like "umm" "err" "ah" and "uh", that don't express meaning or change meaning. They only prevent someone else from speaking, allowing the speaker to "still have the floor" while finding new words.
What Are Filler Words, and How Do You Cut Them? - Grammarly
2022年9月15日 · Fillers words such as um or uh are words, sounds, or phrases people use to “fill in” empty spaces in communication. In speech, they usually indicate the speaker is thinking about what to say next, while in writing they’re often clichés or padding.
A linguist explains why it’s okay to say “um” and “uh” - Quartz
2018年1月9日 · Even great speakers use words like “um” and “uh” in conversation. In a study of how people talk in English, the linguist Mark Liberman analyzed a massive database of spoken language and found...
Interjection words: Uh-huh, Uh-oh, Um, Umm, Whew - English …
Uh-huh!, Uh-oh!, Um!, Umm! and Whew! interjection words are used in everyday speech to convey a wide range of emotions and reactions. Interjections can convey surprise, excitement, disgust, joy, and other strong emotions.
What is the origin of "uh", "um", "erm" and "er"?
First off, although I've always pronounced them differently, the Wiktionary entry for er has the pronunciation for non-rhotic dialects (/ɜ, /ə in ODO), comparing it to uh (/ʌ, /ʌh). Would this be a very similar sound? I'm skeptical as to whether or not this points to a common heritage.
In 'Um' Or 'Uh,' A Few Clues To What We're Saying - NPR
2014年8月12日 · Linguist Mark Liberman, who works at the University of Pennsylvania, says the use of "um" or "uh" can provide signs about the speaker's gender, language skills and life experience.
“Um”, “uh”, “mm” and the use of filler sounds and words
2012年7月5日 · Filler sounds (for example: “um”, “uh”, “mm”) and filler words (for example: “like”, “you know”) are essentially meaningless words and sounds in and of themselves; they are just conversation cues. These sounds and words, when used as …
There's A Good Reason for Why We 'Uh' and 'Um' When We Talk
2019年3月6日 · Ever catch yourself saying “uhhh” too many times? Many people vow to cut back on relying on such verbal crutches once they realize they’re using them, but they’re not just filler. It seems they act as a cue of sorts for your conversational partners.