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As a research-intensive university, UBD focuses on specialised expertise in areas including biodiversity, energy studies, comparative education, precision medicine, genomics, sensor technology and halal science, herbal, catalysis, smart farming, data analytics, and Islamic history, governance and civilisation.
Understanding by Design - Wikipedia
Understanding by Design, or UbD, is an educational theory for curriculum design of a school subject, where planners look at the desired outcomes at the end of the study in order to design curriculum units, performance assessments, and classroom instruction. [1]
What is UBD? | Understanding By Design in the Classroom - Storyboard That
UBD (Understanding by Design) centers on curriculum and instruction design, emphasizing learning outcomes, assessments, and alignment. UDL addresses how education is delivered, while UBD addresses what is taught and how it's assessed.
ubd理论是什么意思 - 百度知道
UBD理论(Understanding by Design)是一种教学设计模型,也称为“倒推设计”(backward design)或“逆向设计”。它是由美国教育学家傅瑞德·温格(Jay McTighe)和格兰特·威格(Grant Wiggins)于1998年提出的。
UbD 理论(Understanding by Design)是由美国格兰特·威金斯和杰伊麦格泰提出针对传统教学的弊端 提出的一种教学设计理论,译为“基于理解的设计”。 理论主要包括三个方面:构建理解的框架、“逆
Programmes Offered - Universiti Brunei Darussalam
Universiti Brunei Darussalam Jalan Tungku Link, BE1410 Brunei Darussalam. Campus Map. Contact Us + 673 246 3001
INTRODUCTION: WHAT IS UbD™ FRAMEWORK? The Understanding by Design® framework (UbD™ framework) offers a plan-ning process and structure to guide curriculum, assessment, and instruction. Its two key ideas are contained in the title: 1) focus on teaching and assessing for
【教学百法】UbD理解为先的设计 - 哔哩哔哩
Oct 15, 2024 · UbD(Understanding by Design,理解为先的教学设计)是一种教学设计模式,旨在通过明确学习成果、设计评估方式和安排教学活动来促使学生实现深度理解与知识迁移。
【逆向备课思维】UbD为迁移而教 为理解而学 - 知乎
关于UbD 追求理解的教学设计避开了以往的灌输式教学和只注重活动的教学这两种误区! 追求理解的教学设计,需要教师在设计之前首先思考学习要… 首发于 玩趣英语 学与教
SUPCON – 中控统一登录平台
{{lang==='en-us'?'UBD system, based on the concept of “platform + APP”, the deep integration of business, “panoramic” digital productivity platform for thousands of people.':'中控UBD系统,基于“平台+APP”理念,业务深度融合,“全景化”的千人千面数字化生产力平台。