Unitarian Universalist Association | UUA.org
Unitarian Universalist Association Live your values aloud, not alone. Our open-minded, open-hearted spiritual communities help people lead lives of justice, love, learning and hope.
Find a Unitarian Universalist Congregation | UUA.org
View all of the 1000+ UUA member congregations, or browse by state, region, or country. International U/U Judicatories: Browse Unitarian, Universalist, or Unitarian Universalist …
About the Unitarian Universalist Association | UUA.org
The mission of the Unitarian Universalist Association (UUA) is to equip congregations for health and vitality, to support and train lay and professional leaders, and to advance Unitarian …
Our Unitarian Universalist Faith | UUA.org
Unitarian Universalism draws from our heritages of freedom, reason, hope, and courage, building on the foundation of love. We covenant, congregation-to-congregation and through our …
Who We Are | UUA.org - Unitarian Universalist Association
We are Unitarian Universalist and Buddhist, Christian, Hindu, Humanist, Jewish, Muslim, Pagan, atheist and agnostic, believers in God, and more. On the forefront of Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, …
WorshipWeb Library | WorshipWeb | UUA.org
WorshipWeb provides meaningful, inspiring resources for Unitarian Universalist (UU) worship services and personal spiritual practice. Our search system will help you find prayers, stories, …
Worship & Inspiration | UUA.org
Worship is our shared Unitarian Universalist practice of exploring, connecting to, and creating the ways that our individual lives fit into a larger whole. Not all UUs share the same beliefs or …
Seven UU Principles | UUA.org - Unitarian Universalist Association
For some within Unitarian Universalism, there are seven Principles which reflect deeply-held values and serve as a moral guide. The wisdom and spirituality of these Principles are drawn …
Beliefs & Shared Values | UUA.org
In Unitarian Universalism, you can bring your whole self: your full identity, your questioning mind, your expansive heart. Together, we create a force more powerful than one person or one …
Sources of Our Living Tradition | UUA.org
Unitarian Universalist congregations affirm and promote seven Principles, which we hold as strong values and moral guides. We live out these Principles within a “living tradition” of …