UK Medical Eligibility Criteria for Contraceptive Use (UKMEC)
The UKMEC helps clinicians decide what contraceptives they can safely recommend based on the medical conditions of patients in their care.
UKMEC SUMMARY TABLE HORMONAL AND INTRAUTERINE CONTRACEPTION Cu-IUD = Copper-bearing intrauterine device; LNG-IUS = Levonorgestrel-releasing intrauterine system; IMP = Progestogen-only implant; DMPA = Progestogen-only injectable: depot medroxyprogesterone acetate; POP = Progestogen-only pill; CHC = Combined hormonal contraception
UKMEC Calculator
For use by clinicians to easily visualise and compare between the different hormonal and intrauterine contraception methods, based on the UK Medical Eligibility Criteria for …
Feb 8, 2016 · USING THE UKMEC The UKMEC considers the following groups of contraceptive methods: intrauterine contraception (IUC), progestogen-only contraception (POC), combined hormonal contraception (CHC) and emergency contraception (EC). The UKMEC categories for each of these groups can be found in Section B, together with evidence summaries and ...
Age ≥40 years: women may use COC until age 50 years if there are no medical contraindications. Definition of UKMEC 3 – the risks generally outweigh the benefits but the method can be considered for use with clinical judgement and/ or specialist referral if …
September 2019 The UKMEC category for use of progestogen-only injectable contraception and intrauterine contraception by women at high risk of acquiring HIV has been revised from UKMEC2 (benefits of use generally outweigh risks) to UKMEC1 (no restrictions to use).
Algorithm 1: Decision-making Algorithm for Emergency Contraception (EC): Copper Intrauterine Device (Cu-IUD) vs Oral EC
The UK Medical Eligibility Criteria for Contraceptive Use (UKMEC) ofers guidance to providers of contraception regarding who can use contraceptive methods safely.
UKMEC - Faculty of Sexual and Reproductive Healthcare
Jul 1, 2022 · Why is it UKMEC 1 for IUC insertion up to 48 hours following childbirth but UKMEC 3 when IUC is inserted after this time? Is insertion of LNG-IUS contraindicated in women who breastfeed due to unacceptable risk of perforation?
UKMEC (contraception and body mass index) - GPnotebook
Mar 17, 2020 · the UKMEC categorises all progestogen-only contraceptives and intrauterine contraception as UKMEC 1, which means that there are no restrictions on the use of these methods.
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