Ultra high frequency - Wikipedia
Ultra high frequency (UHF) is the ITU designation [1] [2] for radio frequencies in the range between 300 megahertz (MHz) and 3 gigahertz (GHz), also known as the decimetre band as …
UHF (film) - Wikipedia
UHF (released internationally as The Vidiot from UHF) is a 1989 American comedy film starring "Weird Al" Yankovic, David Bowe, Fran Drescher, Victoria Jackson, Kevin McCarthy, Michael …
UHF television broadcasting - Wikipedia
UHF television broadcasting is the use of ultra high frequency (UHF) radio for over-the-air transmission of television signals. UHF frequencies are used for both analog and digital …
Ultra high frequency - Simple English Wikipedia, the free …
Ultra High Frequency (UHF) is a electromagnetic radiation. Especially its frequency is between 300 MHz and 3 GHz (3,000 MHz). Because of short wavelength, UHF has strong directivity …
Very high frequency - Wikipedia
Very high frequency (VHF) is the ITU designation [1][2][3] for the range of radio frequency electromagnetic waves (radio waves) from 30 to 300 megahertz (MHz), with corresponding …
UHF connector - Wikipedia
PL-259, SO-239, PL-258, and several other related labels used by military services refer to one specific mechanical design, now collectively called UHF connectors, continuing the use of the …
Radio-frequency identification - Wikipedia
Radio-frequency identification (RFID) uses electromagnetic fields to automatically identify and track tags attached to objects. An RFID system consists of a tiny radio transponder called a …
UHF (taajuusalue) – Wikipedia
UHF on Kansainvälisen televiestintäliiton (ITU) ja Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineersin (IEEE) termi radiotaajuusalueelle: UHF on akronyymi englannin kielen sanoista …
UHF (banda) – Wikipédia, a enciclopédia livre
UHF é uma banda portuguesa de rock formada na Costa de Caparica, em Almada, em 1978. São os principais responsáveis pelo surgimento do boom do rock em Portugal, em 1980, e os …
JAITS - Wikipedia
Short-running anime productions (as little as one episode) are often broadcast by the independent stations, a concept which has been referred to as "UHF anime". They also sometimes run …
UHF - Βικιπαίδεια
Το UHF (Ultra High Frequency) είναι η ονομασία για ραδιοσυχνότητες που κυμαίνονται μεταξύ 300 MHz και 3 GHz, γνωστό και ως ζώνη δεκαπέντε, καθώς τα μήκη κύματος κυμαίνονται από …
極超短波 - Wikipedia
極超短波 (ごくちょうたんぱ)とは、 UHF (Ultra High Frequency)とも、言われ、300 MHz - 3 GHz の 周波数 の 電波 をいう [1][2]。 波長 は10 cm - 1 m 、デシメートル波 [3] とも呼ばれ …
극초단파 - 위키백과, 우리 모두의 백과사전
극초단파 (極超短波, 영어: Ultra High Frequency, UHF 또는 decimetre band)는 전자기파 의 주파수 가 300MHz (파장 1m)에서 3.0GHz (파장 10cm) 사이에 할당된 전자기파를 말한다. 이보다 높은 …
特高頻 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
特高频(英語: Ultra high frequency ),縮寫為 UHF ,中國大陸稱 特高频 ,台灣稱 超高頻 ,是指頻率由300MHz到3GHz的電磁波 [1] 。波長由10cm到1m不等 [1] 。用於短途通信,可以用 …
Frekvensband – Wikipedia
Radiospektrum indelas i olika frekvensområden eller frekvensband. Förutom olika grundindelningar i stora områden görs en betydligt finare indelning vid reglering av hur …
بسامد فرابالا - ویکیپدیا، دانشنامهٔ آزاد
UHF یا بسامد فرابالا (به انگلیسی: UHF ، Ultra High Frequency) نماد اتحادیه بینالمللی مخابرات ، [۱] برای امواج الکترومغناطیسی با فرکانس رادیویی بین ۳۰۰ مگاهرتز و ۳ گیگاهرتز میباشد. از این طیف فرکانسی برای پخش تلویزیونی و شبکههای …
Frekuensi ultra tinggi - Wikipedia bahasa Indonesia, …
Frekuensi ultra tinggi dalam bahasa inggris disebut Ultra High Frequency (UHF) merupakan gelombang elektromagnetik dengan frekuensi antara 300 MHz sampai dengan 3 GHz (3.000 …
גלי רדיו – ויקיפדיה
גלי רדיו הם קרינה אלקטרומגנטית ב תדרים שבין 3 הרץ עד 300 ג׳יגה-הרץ מתוך הספקטרום האלקטרומגנטי. אורכי הגל של תדרים אלו הם 100,000 קילומטרים עד 1 מילימטר. ככל שאר הגלים המהווים קרינה …
全國獨立放送協議會 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
全國獨立放送協議會 (日语: 全国独立放送協議会/ぜんこくどくりつほうそうきょうぎかい Zenkoku Dokuritsu Hōsō Kyōgi-kai;英語: Japanese Association of Independent Television …
Radiotaajuusalueet – Wikipedia
Radiotaajuusalueet on määrittely, joka jakaa — sähkömagneettisen spektrin infrapunasäteilyä matalataajuisemman (n. < 300 GHz) sähkömagneettisen säteilyn (radiotaajuusspektrin) — …
Kabupaten Boyolali - Wikipedia bahasa Indonesia, ensiklopedia …
Kabupaten Boyolali terdiri dari 22 kecamatan, 6 kelurahan, dan 261 desa. Pada tahun 2017, jumlah penduduknya mencapai 989.776 jiwa dengan luas wilayah 1.008,45 km² dan sebaran …