World UFO Day - Wikipedia
World UFO Day is celebrated by stirring conversations about how and why humans are not the only beings in the Universe. The WUFDO (World UFO Day Organisation) promotes various events and educational workshops with the idea of getting people to know about UFOs.
World UFO Day 2024: What is it, how UFOs became mainstream - USA TODAY
July 2 is World UFO Day, a day where "the UFO community comes together to celebrate their beliefs," according to WorldUFODay.com. The website encourages people to join in on the celebration by...
World UFO Day – July 2, 2025 - National Today
2021年7月2日 · There are more than enough stories, legends and actual scientific findings on UFOs and space exploration to keep you busy for a day. Use the power of the internet to separate fact from fiction, and try coming up with your own theories on whether the truth really is out there.
WORLD UFO DAY | June 24 and July 2 - National Day Calendar
World UFO Day is observed on June 24 and July 2. The creators of the July 2nd event launched it to raise awareness of UFO sightings and remove speculation from them. World UFO Day commemorates two separate dates June 24 and July 2 on the National Day Calendar.
Flying objects and shrunken heads: World UFO Day feted amid …
2024年7月2日 · World UFO Day is being celebrated amid a surge in sightings and government studies on unidentified flying objects. Its date of July 2nd has its roots in the so-called Roswell incident on July 2, 1947.
World UFO Day: What is World UFO Day and how did it start?
2022年7月2日 · World UFO Day is a holiday to commemorate UFO sightings and UFO theories. There is no organization that runs World UFO Day, but many ufologists celebrate the holiday. The day takes place on June 24 or July 2. June 24 is the …
Jul 2 Fun Holiday – World UFO Day - timeanddate.com
On July 2, World UFO Day, bring out your telescopes, gaze up the skies and look out for Unidentified Flying Objects (UFOs). Look for flying saucers on World UFO Day. Also sometimes celebrated on June 24, the holiday was created by the World UFO Day Organization as a way to bring together UFO enthusiasts and to raise awareness about UFOs.
World Ufo Day - Holidays Calendar
There are a ton of different ways to observe World UFO Day. One of the recommended ways of celebrating this holiday is to go out on either June 24th or July 2nd, or both days if you really want to engage with this holiday, and have a Welcome To Earth party.
World UFO Day 2025 | Event Information | Twinkl USA - Twinkl
World UFO Day is an annual event celebrating the intriguing and mysterious world of unidentified flying objects (UFOs). It’s a day to explore sky mysteries, ignite curiosity about the unknown, and ponder the possibilities of extraterrestrial life.
World UFO Day observed by believers seeking the truth
2022年7月2日 · World UFO Day is an annual affair that has captured the interest of many enthusiastic alien believers and recognized globally with parades, scientific discussion, and occasionally pointy tinfoil hats. It takes place every July 2 to commemorate the anniversary of the alleged 1947 Unidentified Flying Object crash in Roswell, New Mexico.