Software - EU
U-WAVEPAK is the software that supports a collection of measurement data from the measuring tool connected to the U-WAVE-T to a computer. This is a driver for a virtual COM-Port (VCP) to support data communication between DMX interfaces and a PC.
ワイヤレス通信システム U-WAVE用ソフト(U-WAVEPAK)
本ソフトウェアは、u-wave-rとu-wave-tの設定や、u-wave-t/tm/tcを接続した測定器の測定データをpc内のソフトウェアに転送するソフトウェアです。 1台のU-WAVE-Rに対して、最大100台のU-WAVE-T/TM/TCを接続設定する事が可能です。
三丰精密量仪(上海)有限公司 - mitutoyo
u-wavepak软件是为已购买u-wave-r并附带u-wavepak的用户提供的下载版本软件。 使用前请确认Windows版本。 该软件为敝司免费提供的、可使用U-WAVE-T/TM/TC将测量工具的数据输出至MeasurLink等软件的计算机通信软件。
- [PDF]
U-WAVE クイックマニュアル
U-WAVE-Rは、弊社製U-WAVE-T(別売)とともに使用することで、弊社製のデジマチック出力付き測定器の測定データを無線通信し、パソコンに表示することができます。 U-WAVE-RとU-WAVE-Tを使用するために、このクイックマニュアルをお読み ください。 また正しくご使用して頂く為、必ず「U-WAVE-R取扱説明書」と「U-WAVE-T取扱説明書」をお読みください。 本書はお読みになった後は、大切に保管してください。 1. システム構成. U-WAVEは、下図のよ …
通信用U-WAVEPAK软件 下载页面 - mitutoyo
通信用u-wavepak软件 下载页面. 请通过以下链接下载通信用u-wavepak软件. 通信用u-wavepak软件
About U-WAVEPAK - 株式会社ミツトヨ:精密測定機器の ...
We provide free-of-charge PC communication software to enable transfer of data of measuring instruments to which the U-WAVE-T/TM/TC is connected, to software such as MeasurLink or the like. This software is the latest edition of the U-WAVEPAK …
U-WAVE PC用通信软件(U-WAVEPAK-BW)下载页面 - mitutoyo
请点击以下链接进行u-wave pc用通信软件(u-wavepak-bw)软件下载
Mitutoyo Thailand - U-Wave
U-WAVEPAK-BW is a software program that uses U-WAVE-TCB/TMB to transfer data from measuring instruments to other software on a PC. Up to seven (7) U-WAVE-TCB/TMB units may be connected to a single PC. U-WAVEPAK-BW also supports a keyboard entry mode under which the data may be directly entered into Microsoft Excel or other document files.
(1) Install the U-WAVEPAK (setup software). (2) Connect the U-WAVE-R main unit to the PC with a USB 2.0 cable. (3) Install the dedicated USB driver and virtual COM driver. (4) Set IDs and frequencies for U-WAVE-R and U-WAVE-T with U-WAVEPAK. (5) Press the DATA button of U-WAVE-T once to write settings into U-WAVE-T. Once this procedure has been ...
“U-WAVE”, the wireless communication system, collects measurement data in the inspection process swiftly and accurately, to increase a company's competitiveness with detailed data analysis.
Bluetooth®版 U-WAVE用通信アプリ(U-WAVEPAK-BM)
U-WAVE Bluetooth®通信软件(U-WAVEPAK-BM)下载 - mitutoyo
U-WAVE Bluetooth®通信软件(U-WAVEPAK-BM)下载 本软件是免费提供的个人计算机通信软件,可使用U-WAVE-TCB/TMB将数据从测量仪器传输到智能手机和平板电脑的软件。
Bluetooth®版 U-WAVE用通信ソフト(U-WAVEPAK-BW)
本ソフトウェアは、u-wave-tcb/tmbを使用して、測定器のデータをpc内のソフトウェアに転送するソフトウェアです。 1台のPCに最大7台のU-WAVE-TCB/TMBを接続する事が可能です。
Notice: About U-WAVE-TCB/U-WAVE-TMB and U-WAVEPAK-BW -This application operates on Windows10. Please ensure to run it on a PC with Windows10 installed. -This application can use the Bluetooth function that comes with the device. The terminal without Bluetooth function purchases commercial Bluetooth receiver, and please use it.
Mitutoyo U-Wave Fit U-WAVE-R Receiver & Software - 02AZD810D
Mitutoyo's new U-Wave Fit wireless data transmitter fits to the back of any Mitutoyo hand-held measuring instrument. This new design allows for a snug fit behind the display resulting in a more ergonomic feel. U-Wave Fit is the same technology as the U-Wave T, just a smaller version.
MITUTOYO | Questions and Inquiries about Products
U-WAVEPAK-BW is a software program that uses U-WAVE-TCB/TMB to transfer data from measuring instruments to other software on a PC. Up to seven (7) U-WAVE-TCB/TMB units may be connected to a single PC. U-WAVEPAK-BW also supports a keyboard entry mode under which the data may be directly entered into Microsoft Excel or other document files.
The U-WAVEPAK contained in the supplied CD is software necessary for data communications between the U-WAVE-R and U-WAVE-T. Firstly, install the U-WAVEPAK in a personal computer.
Mitutoyo U-WAVE Bluetooth Transmitter U-WAVE-TMB for
Enhance your micrometer efficiency with the Mitutoyo U-WAVE Bluetooth Transmitter U-WAVE-TMB. Compatible with waterproof type micrometers, it streamlines data transfer for seamless operations in metalworking and MRO applications.
MITUTOYO | Questions and Inquiries about Products
U-WAVEPAK-BW/BM is free communication software which is to be used with U-WAVE-TCB/TMB for measurement data transmission from measuring instruments to smartphones/PCs. Please note that Mitutoyo may at any time decide to terminate this offering of U-WAVEPAK-BW/BM without any prior notice.
U-WAVE Bluetooth®通信软件(U-WAVEPAK-BM)下载
u-wave bluetooth®通信软件(u-wavepak-bm)下载. 下载路径:app store 搜索【u-wavepak-bm】 下载路径:浏览器 扫描二维码下载
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