Software - EU
U-WAVEPAK is the software that supports a collection of measurement data from the measuring tool connected to the U-WAVE-T to a computer. This is a driver for a virtual COM-Port (VCP) to support data communication between DMX interfaces and a PC.
(1) Install the U-WAVEPAK (setup software). (2) Connect the U-WAVE-R main unit to the PC with a USB 2.0 cable. (3) Install the dedicated USB driver and virtual COM driver.
“U-WAVE”, the wireless communication system, collects measurement data in the inspection process swiftly and accurately, to increase a company's competitiveness with detailed data analysis.
More compact and thinner for a better fit with Digimatic gages, and featuring improved operability and performance inherited from its predecessor, U-WAVE-TMB/TCB is now available with Bluetooth® wireless technology. No receiver is required, and one PC can connect up to seven units of Mitutoyo Bluetooth® U-WAVE.
About U-WAVEPAK - 株式会社ミツトヨ:精密測定機器の ...
We provide free-of-charge PC communication software to enable transfer of data of measuring instruments to which the U-WAVE-T/TM/TC is connected, to software such as MeasurLink or the like. This software is the latest edition of the U-WAVEPAK …
ワイヤレス通信システム U-WAVE用ソフト(U-WAVEPAK)
MITUOYO U-WAVE USER MANUAL Pdf Download | ManualsLib
Complete Mobility for collecting & monitoring Mitutoyo’s U-WAVE wireless data collection hardware gives the inspector the capability of remote data acquisition. The addition of MeasurLink® PDA Navi allows the inspector to view trends and statistics for multiple MeasurLink stations while on the move.
The U-WAVEPAK contained in the supplied CD is software necessary for data communications between the U-WAVE-R and U-WAVE-T. Firstly, install the U-WAVEPAK in a personal computer.
- [PDF]
U-WAVE - Mitutoyo
The U-WAVEPAK, U-WAVE-R standard package features a key-board interface function. This allows measurement data to be easily loaded to a PC in Excel, Notepad or other format that accepts numeric value input via a keyboard. In addition, a virtual COM driver allows measurement data to be input to a program that supports RS-232C serial communication.
Mitutoyo Asia Pacific - U-Wave - Mitutoyo Singapore
U-WAVEPAK-BW is a software program that uses U-WAVE-TCB/TMB to transfer data from measuring instruments to other software on a PC. Up to seven (7) U-WAVE-TCB/TMB units may be connected to a single PC.