Plagiarism Detector: Prevent Academic Misconduct | Turnitin
Protect your institution's academic standards with Turnitin's plagiarism detector. Identify copied content and ensure originality in every submission.
Turnitin Plagiarism Quiz
Test your knowledge of academic integrity with this quick quiz.
Turnitin Similarity | Robust Plagiarism Checker | Turnitin
Uphold academic integrity with Turnitin Similarity, the robust plagiarism checker that fits seamlessly into existing workflows. iThenticate Check for plagiarism and prepare your manuscript for high-stakes publication with iThenticate, gold standard for …
Turnitin - Permettre aux étudiants de fournir un travail original et ...
Garantissez l'Intégrité académique avec Turnitin Similarity, le vérificateur de plagiat robuste qui s'intègre de manière transparente dans les flux de travail existants.
Home | Turnitin
This Student QuickStart Guide will help you get started with Turnitin and will walk you through the steps for submitting your first paper.
AI Checker Solutions: Ensure Academic Integrity | Turnitin
Turnitin’s AI writing detection tool is built around a unique transformer deep-learning architecture that enables institutions to identify when AI tools may have been used in submissions. Discover the technology behind our solution in our detailed whitepaper.
Turnitin Similarity | Un robuste contrôle anti-plagiat | Turnitin
Garantissez l'Intégrité académique avec Turnitin Similarity, le vérificateur de plagiat robuste qui s'intègre de manière transparente dans les flux de travail existants.
AI Detector - Turnitin
Turnitin’s AI writing detection capabilities. Rapidly innovating to uphold academic integrity. Identify when AI writing tools such as ChatGPT or AI paraphrasing tools (text spinners) may have been used in submitted work.
Plagiarism - Turnitin
Uphold academic integrity with Turnitin Similarity, the robust plagiarism checker that fits seamlessly into existing workflows. iThenticate Check for plagiarism and prepare your manuscript for high-stakes publication with iThenticate, gold standard for …
Turnitin Similarity | 强大的查重工具 | Turnitin
Turnitin Similarity可以整合当今顶级的学习管理系统、协作工具和单点登录服务。 不仅仅是相似度检查 使用 Turnitin Originality 帮助院校扼制学术不端行为的新趋势,包括洗稿和论文代写。