Trenching and Excavation - Overview | Occupational Safety and …
Describes how soil analysis should be conducted to determine appropriate sloping, benching, and shoring for preventing cave-ins and how employees should be trained on all trenching hazards …
Trenching and Excavation Safety Trench collapses, or cave-ins, pose the greatest risk to workers’ lives. When done safely, trenching operations can reduce worker exposure to other potential …
requirements for excavation and trenching operations. This booklet highlights key elements of the standards and describes safe work practices that can protect workers from cave-ins and other …
OSHA Technical Manual (OTM) - Section V: Chapter 2
Shoring is the provision of a support system for trench faces used to prevent movement of soil, underground utilities, roadways, and foundations. Shoring or shielding is used when the …
Trenching and Excavation - Construction | Occupational Safety and ...
The references on this page provide information related to trenching and excavation in construction including OSHA's trenching and excavation construction regulations, hazard …
Trenching | Transcript - Occupational Safety and Health …
The competent person can choose from different protective systems for a trench, based on the types of soil found. For all trenches deeper than 5 feet deep or for any trench that shows signs …
1926.651 - Occupational Safety and Health Administration
Where the stability of adjoining buildings, walls, or other structures is endangered by excavation operations, support systems such as shoring, bracing, or underpinning shall be provided to …
eTool : Construction - Trenching and Excavation | Occupational …
The primary hazard of trenching and excavation work is employee injury from a cave-in. Before workers enter a trench, a soil analysis should generally be conducted to determine the …
1926 Subpart P App C - Timber Shoring for Trenches
Appendix C to Subpart P of Part 1926—Timber Shoring for Trenches (a) Scope. This appendix contains information that can be used timber shoring is provided as a method of protection …
Prevention Videos (v-Tools) | Construction Hazards - Trenching ...
Excavations in Construction/Trenching (Excavaciones en la Construccion/Excavaciones)