Treant Protector - Dota 2 Wiki
Barely distinguishable from his arboreal brethren, the Treant Protector summons a Wall of Vines, plants Leeching Seeds into intruders while sprouting regenerative roots for his cohorts and their fortifications alike.
Treant Protector/Guide - Dota 2 Wiki
Treant Protector is not very mobile and requires careful positioning, especially before a teamfight. Keep your eyes on the minimap the entire game. Treant Protector can keep allies longer in lane, save them from ganks, and heal damaged towers with Living Armor.
Treant Protector/Lore - Dota 2 Wiki
There are all-consuming grasses, crossbred fauna and poisonous flowers, but none are so fierce as the mighty Treant Protectors. These ageless, titanic beings, charged with keeping the peace in this dangerous land, ensure that none within encroach without reason, and …
Treant Protector - Dota 2 Wiki
Treant Protector enchants a tree, which grants him unobstructed vision in that location. If Overgrowth is cast, units within a 275/300/350/400 radius of an enchanted tree will be entangled and damaged.
Treant Protectors - Dota 2 Wiki
Treant Protectors are an ancient race that resemble large, mobile trees, who are bigger than regular treants. They are usually hidden among the foliage and rarely seen.[1] Charged with protecting their land and its secrets, the Protectors are …
Treant Protector/Old Abilities - Dota 2 Wiki
Treant protector is phased while invisible, and can also walk through trees. While invisible, Treant Protector's next attack has True Strike , and roots and disarms the target, preventing it from moving, attacking, and casting certain mobility spells.
Treant Protector - Dota 2 Wiki
Treant Protector enchants a tree, which grants him unobstructed vision in that location. If Overgrowth is cast, units within a 275/300/350/400 radius of an enchanted tree will be entangled.
Treant Protector - Dota 2 Вики
У Treant Protector на коре, с левой стороны над рунами на поясе, вырезана фраза "Riki was here" ("Здесь был Riki"). Внешний вид, имя и голос героя основаны на древнейшем энте Древобороде , из книги и экранизации ...
Treant Protector - Dota 2 Wiki
From beyond the Vale of Augury comes Rooftrellen, a lone explorer sent forth by his ancient race to survey the wider world. Barely distinguishable from his arboreal brethren, the Treant Protector blends into the forest with Nature's Guise, draining foes with Leech Seed while protecting allies with Living Armor.
Treant Protector/Counters - Dota 2 Wiki
Treant Protector works really well with heroes that have AoE abilities: Centaur Warrunner, Tiny, Dark Seer, Disruptor. A special mention should go to Phoenix as Overgrowth can, by itself, guarantee Supernova to go off, dealing damage and stunning through spell immunity.