math - Affine transformation algorithm - Stack Overflow
2010年5月3日 · Affine transformations are given by 2x3 matrices. We perform an affine transformation M by taking our 2D input (x y), bumping it up to a 3D vector (x y 1), and then multiplying (on the left) by M. So if we have three points (x1 y1) (x2 y2) (x3 y3) mapping to (u1 v1) (u2 v2) (u3 v3) then we have [x1 x2 x3] [u1 u2 u3] M [y1 y2 y3] = [v1 v2 v3].
math - Affine transform given 4 points - Stack Overflow
2016年10月15日 · This is still a regular transformation matrix and multiply your points by the matrix will give you the resulting points, but lines in that transformation may not remain parallel. However, if you mapped the first set of points to the second set of points such that they could only remain affine, this will just solve for the transformation matrix.
Android Bitmap Transformation Math - Stack Overflow
2012年1月9日 · Any help is appreciated. I know this is just math, but I'm not good at this kind of stuff. The first image, 'bmp' is 100% the size of the canvas. The second image, 'overlay' is the overlay that needs to be centered after it's rotated 270 degrees.
How to convert a 3D point into 2D perspective projection?
Transform the point with a clip space matrix. This matrix scales x and y with the field-of-view and aspect ratio, scales z by the near and far clipping planes, and plugs the 'old' z into w. After the transformation, you should divide x, y and z by w. This is called the perspective divide.
math - extract rotation, scale values from 2d transformation matrix ...
If in scaling you'd scaled by the same amount in x and in y, then the determinant of the matrix, i.e. ad-bc, which tells you the area multiplier would tell you the linear change of scale too - it would be the square root of the determinant.
math - apply rotate transformation in old matrix android - Stack …
2016年8月7日 · I have a matrix for transforming an image. Old matrix is a function of a scale and translation. Now how to apply rotation from center in old Matrix without affecting the other transformation like scale and translation. i already try this
math - Java transformation matrix operations - Stack Overflow
2012年2月29日 · I'm trying to maintain and then use a transformation matrix for a computer graphics program. It's a 3x3 matrix that stores scale, rotate, and translate information for (x,y) points. My program can
Math: How to convert a left-handed transformation matrix to a …
2013年12月17日 · As for the transformation linking these two, this is a simple 180° rotation around the X axis (beware of the wrist sprain while trying this one), which expresses as the following 3x3 matrix: (1 0 0) (0 -1 0) (0 0 -1) You can pre-multiply your transformation with this one! Hope this helps!
math - What does squaring a transformation mean? - Stack Overflow
2013年4月6日 · Fib(n) always equals the value of b. So initially, with n = 0, Fib(0) = 0. Each time the following transformation is applied, n is incremented by 1 and Fib(n) equals the value of b. a <-- a + b b <-- a To do this in logarithmic time, the problem description defines a transformation T as the transformation. a' <-- bq + aq + ap b' <-- bp + aq
math - 3D-Coordinate Transformation in C# - Stack Overflow
2022年11月30日 · Next step: On the internet i found a website which does the correct transformation.Casio Website If i manually set vector to the calculated point on the website, everything else works fine. So i somehow have to get the exact same calculation into my code. If you need further information, feel free to comment!