What paint for trailer deck? - Homesteading Forum
Apr 9, 2017 · Paper work that came with it said to use Thompson water seal on it. Decided not to do that at $20.00 a gallon back then. Waited till I knew I was not going to use the trailer for …
Advantech flooring, anyone have experience with it?
Dec 24, 2011 · My understanding is that the major advantage of Advantech is the moisture resistance it provides. (such as in a house under construction that is rained on before being …
Anyone ever have a Family in a Single Wide Trailer
Aug 23, 2008 · 2) If you can swing it, build a nice big deck. Sort of extends your living space. 3) Get a decent on site storage solution. Even if you are not a stuff person, you'll need it. 4) Store …
Best way to unbend a trailer frame? | Homesteading Forum
Mar 12, 2007 · The wood, once bolted down, pulled the bow flat ( it was pretty slight) and really stiffened the frame up as well. The deck then went on top of the 4x4's. I asked around at ten or …
who has lived in a camper while building? | Homesteading Forum
Mar 20, 2011 · He had a big deck on the front of the camper to which he added walls, floor, and a couple windows, and a door. You actually entered this room first and then the door to the …
Loading a uhaul trailer - Homesteading Forum
May 31, 2011 · The heavier trailer will take more fuel, bigger tow vehicle, etc. just by being a bigger trailer in and of itself. Most of the time you want about 10% of the weight of the trailer …
Putting two mobile homes side by side | Homesteading Forum
Dec 5, 2004 · My neighbor has 3 mobile homes put together into one house - its a pretty nice place. He has a nice deck on it and 1/2 trailer to the South-East he cleared out and made a big …
Has anyone lived on land in a motor home or travel trailer etc?
Mar 9, 2010 · It's possible that they will let you stay in a trailer/mobile while building- you must have a Building permit. We used a porta-potty-septic cleaner to pump out our blackwater …
Planning a bridge - Homesteading Forum
May 8, 2009 · now for a simple timber bridge I'd use three 2x12x16 nailed together every 16". Then use a double 2x8 deck. For the transverse deck. Use 2x12x16 set on edge across the …
For people that have big stock trailers.... - Homesteading Forum
May 14, 2009 · I know a guy that put 13 full size (not drafties or warmbloods,) horses into a big Sundowners stock trailer that normally would have been an 8 horse trailer and hauled them …