TOZ-57 - Wikipedia
TOZ-57 is an over and under hammerless shotgun, with one barrel above the other. The design is based on TOZ-34 and TOZ-55 models, but it has different barrels, receiver and trigger mechanism [3] It was equipped with detachable chrome plated barrels. [3] [2] TOZ-57 has a walnut shoulder stock and fore-end without sling swivels. [2]
TOZ-34 - Wikipedia
The TOZ-34 (Russian: ТОЗ-34) is a Soviet double-barreled shotgun. The TOZ-34 is produced and sold by Tulsky Oruzheiny Zavod [2] since 1964. In 1965, the shotgun was awarded the golden medal of the Leipzig Trade Fair. [3][1][4] In 1967, the price of one standard TOZ-34 was 150 - …
猎枪TOZ-34:说明,照片 - zhcn.unansea.com
毫无疑问,猎枪toz-34是一种独特的国内发明的。 它的主要优点:亮度,出色的平衡,轻便,锁定强度,优良的战斗,打出的子弹。 和外部 型武器的 特点是它的吸引力。
T-34-57坦克 - 百度百科
1941年时在 T34坦克 被的基础上被临时设计出来,搭载57mm的zis-4 反坦克炮 以应对德军的装甲单位。 这一型T-34装备了穿甲能力较强的57mm反坦克炮以代替76mm炮,是通过对现有T-34坦克的底盘进行临时改造制成的应急产物。 虽然只生产了大约一百辆,但在对抗德国的 重型坦克 时还是起到了相当的作用。 T-34/57,就不能不提到ZIS-2型57毫米反坦克炮,这种身管长度达到73倍径的反坦克炮正是T-34/57所装备的ZIS-4型坦克炮的原型。
苏联-TOZ-B - 从军WIKI_BWIKI_哔哩哔哩
toz-b 国家 苏联 英文 toz-b 解锁途径 经验解锁 类型 霰弹枪 开火模式 手动 口径 2.06毫米 威力 46.8 出膛速度 200米/秒 射速 240发/分钟 最大星数 4 装填时间 3.9秒 水平后坐力 28 垂直后坐力 112 供弹 2 火焰喷射长度 火焰伤害 重量
ნადირობა და მონადირეები | იყიდება TOZ 57 იდეალურ …
იყიდება toz 57 იდეალურ მდგომარეობაში, თოფი არის დამზადებული საექსპორტოთ, ვინც ვერ ერკვევით ამ თოფში გთხოვთ არ დარეკოთ , ლოკაცია ...
ТОЗ-57К-1С купить - Краснокамск
Nov 8, 2024 · Один спусковой крючок, поочередный спуск, предохранитель отсутствует в принципе (не предусмотрен конструкцией). Ружье создавалось для стендовой стрельбы на базе ТОЗ-34, но с усилением конструкции. Отличное, красивое и высокоресурсное ружье. Среди отечественных вертикалок бюджетного уровня конкурентов нет. Состояние железа и стволов идеальное.
Quality of Toz rifles - Gunboards Forums
Apr 5, 2008 · I have owned quite a few TOZ rifles over the years. I currently only own one, a TOZ-17. Whilst not as aesthetically pleasing as say a Brno / CZ .22, or as perfectly made as an Anschutz, they are JUST as reliable (if not more-so), almost indestructable, and usually VERY accurate (my TOZ-17 will outshoot the TOZ-8m Target rifle I used to own).
TOZ-57 - Wikiwand
The TOZ-57 (ТОЗ-57) is a family of Soviet double-barreled high-quality skeet shotguns.
TOZ-57 | Military Wiki | Fandom
TOZ-57 is an over and under hammerless shotgun, with one barrel above the other. The design is based on TOZ-34 and TOZ-55 models, but it has different barrels, receiver and trigger mechanism. It was equipped with detachable chrome plated barrels. TOZ-57 has a walnut shoulder stock and fore-end without sling swivels. Variants [] TOZ-57 (ТОЗ ...