meaning - `at`, `in`, or `on`, which one paired "the top right hand ...
2019年10月2日 · Right clicking the 3 vertical dots (Kebab) button at the top right hand corner, would launch this menu ... I am not quite sure if it is appropriate I used at here. before I post the question, I've googled. and I got this. I also searched on dictionary.cambridge and find nothing.
word usage - English Language Learners Stack Exchange
"Top of my class" is much more vague and could mean almost anything. It's sometimes possible to generalize what a certain term means in British or American English; see the British undergraduate degree classification, for example. In other cases, it's most useful to look at the definitions used by the institution of interest.
What does the word *sharp* mean in the context?
2015年3月24日 · Here are two examples of context. Come at ten o'clock sharp. She said she was going to ring at nine a.m. sharp. Does it mean "exactly"?
What is the difference between "a track" and "a trail" as in "Follow ...
2022年1月8日 · It seems that more people say "Follow the trail to the temple on the top of the mountain" than "Follow the track to the temple on the top of the mountain"? Is there any difference
word usage - English Language Learners Stack Exchange
2015年3月26日 · top and bottom of the hour are a different issue. These refers to the position of the minute hand on an analog clock. These refers to the position of the minute hand on an analog clock. I have only heard 'high' in respect to high noon .
superlatives - Is "toppest" not a word? - English Language Learners ...
2018年5月24日 · A standard variation is tiptop, or the more juvenile version, tippy-top: He climbed to the very tippy-top of the mountain, and from there he yodeled mightily! There are many standard words that mean the same thing: highest, uppermost, apex, zenith, acme, peak, pinnacle, summit, vertex and various others.
Meaning of the Top of the Ticket - English Language Learners …
2020年8月16日 · The US President and Vice President are elected together, and they would naturally be written with the candidate for President first, at the top of the ticket. Related: parties would hand out preprinted or “straight” tickets that had the names of their candidates, which voters (especially illiterate ones) could take directly to the ballot box.
What is the exact meaning of the phrase "from the top on down"?
2017年6月23日 · 'Top-down' and 'bottom-up' as adjectives imply a directionality. In the workplace, we might say some project is planned from the 'top-down' as meaning the same as "dictated from higher levels of management" or "centrally controlled", whereas a project planned 'bottom-up' is the same as "designed/planned by the users or lower-level employees" or the like.
prepositions - Do we lie ON the bed or IN the bed? - English …
He lay on the bed (=on top of the covers). You use the phrase "in bed" when somebody is covered with sheets or blankets. For example: He lay in bed (=under covers). You use the phrase "in the bed" when you are referring to a particular bed. For example: There was no one in the bed (Longman Dictionary).
Ranking vs Rating - English Language Learners Stack Exchange
2015年5月20日 · Critics rated the movie 3 stars out of four (he "ranked" the movie 3 stars out of four would not sound right). The nuance between the two words is that when you 'rank' something, you give it a rank compared to other things in the same set (ranked 1st out of 30 students, or the top-ranked state for auto insurance).