'Is too many', 'are too many' or something else? [duplicate]
2015年12月26日 · "I decided to go on holiday for a week. I think 10 days is too many for me." Am I correct using 'is' instead of 'are'? Or the only way is to change the phrase to '10-days period is too long for ...
commas - Too many "and"s? Is it grammatically correct? - English ...
2013年2月10日 · I don't think that there are too many "and"s in the sentence, but perhaps one of the "provide"s can be changed to "offer", e.g.: I help individuals, schools, and organisations offer special needs care, care training, and home audits by {providing / giving [CHOOSE ONE]} training classes, caregiver evaluations, and other care-based educational ...
Proverb: If Something is Managed By Many, Things Are Missed
2018年3月23日 · Too many cooks spoil the broth. The Free Dictionary says of the idiom “Too many cooks”: Too many people trying to control, influence, or work on something, with the quality of the final product suffering as a result. A shortened version of the full phrase, "Too many cooks spoil the broth/stew/soup."
grammar - "so many" vs "too many" in a particular case - English ...
2015年12月28日 · But "too" cannot licence a that clause complement in a construction like this, which is why [i] is ungrammatical. You can tell that it's "so" that licenses the complement because if we drop it, the sentence becomes ungrammatical (* I had many things to do that I …
Is it correct to say "This is too many "without a subject just like ...
2017年7月8日 · “This is too many” is not wrong. Yes. But I agree with you that it does not refer to “one thing by itself” that is too many. I imagined a friend with M&Ms. “Can I have some?” “Sure. Hold out your hand.” He then dumps half the bag into my …
Is it poor form to start too many sentences with I?
2012年10月22日 · Once I got a real job, playing in a band was too much of a hassle. Not only do you eliminate an I, but the sentence doesn't start with I and instead of using the basic verb play stuck to the in a band phrase, the second example has playing in a band as all one phrase. Variety tends to keep readers' interest longer than assembly-line thoughts.
"There's too many numbers" vs "There are too many numbers"
2015年4月26日 · If you want always to write, "There are too many damn fools on the Internet", then no one is stopping you. FWIW you have my blessing. But if you want to mount a crusade against what Marius calls the informal & casual "There's too many damn fools", then I think you have a job for life.
Proverb or expression for someone taking on too much
2013年12月17日 · For doing something that is too hard, or doing too much of it at one time, I'd say you could go with. Biting off more than he/she can chew. which usually implies "taking on too much/too may tasks", but I think it's fair to stretch it to "taking on a task that's too hard for you". This is, to me, the most obvious idiom for this, but it's fairly ...
What's a good expression for "too much information"?
2013年6月4日 · If someone 'provides too many details on something actually making it difficult to get the needed information out' a word that could be used is 'verbose'. This is an adjective which means too wordy or using too many words as in a write-up or a speaker addressing an audience. Please see my comments below first.
punctuation - Too many "ands" in one sentence create ambiguity ...
2015年11月13日 · Too many "ands" in one sentence create ambiguity. Ask Question Asked 9 years, 3 months ago. Modified 7 ...