Tomato Septoria leaf spot: Help!... need advice!
2015年3月17日 · Copper, as a treatment for blight, has now become the base by which many blight treatments have been created around. Copper sulfate is one organic choice but an easier technique utilizes a common copper wire. To begin the process that will protect your tomato plant from blight requires that the tomato plant be planted in the ground.
Fighting blight with bleach water - HelpfulGardener.com
2011年3月19日 · After talking to some old timers around here, some people at the feed store, and some online research, I'm guessing this is a fungus, probably early blight. The general consensus is to mix 3/4 cup to 1 cup of bleach to one gallon of water, and then spray each plant in it's entirety, including the soil underneath, every 10 to 12 days, and after ...
Tomato leaf disease or herbicide? - HelpfulGardener.com
2019年5月16日 · I also read copper sulfate is used for blight so I bought some I put 1 teaspoon in the soil at each plant when I plant each tomato plant. Iron is very good for blight and any fungus I put rusty nails by the hand full under each tomato plant. I also burn kitchen empty food cans in a fire to remove varnish so cans rust easy a few weeks.
Blight resistant tomatoes - HelpfulGardener.com
2020年3月15日 · TOMATO FORUM. New Posts; Logout; Register; Blight resistant tomatoes ... Blight resistant tomatoes. Tue ...
Tomato problem - HelpfulGardener.com
2009年9月27日 · simon Newly Registered Posts: 5 Joined: Sat Sep 26, 2009 3:35 pm Location: west melboure florida
Potato seeds treatment - HelpfulGardener.com
2010年12月4日 · Vegetable Gardening Forum. Unanswered topics; Active topics; New Posts; Search; Login
Tomato issues *again* - helpfulgardener.com
2016年6月13日 · Vegetable Growing. TOMATO FORUM. New Posts; Logout; Register
Blight has destroyed 70% of my tomatoes. - HelpfulGardener.com
2014年8月21日 · Bobberman Super Green Thumb Posts: 2437 Joined: Tue Nov 16, 2010 3:31 am Location: Latrobe Pa.
Box Blight. Cylindrocladium Buxicola - HelpfulGardener.com
We knew it was Box Blight and now we also know the fungus is Cylindrocladium Buxicola. It is rather new, seen first in The Netherlands around 2005 and in our garden in 2009. The photo below shows the very beginning...
BER susceptible tomato varieties. - HelpfulGardener.com
2022年9月3日 · Vegetable Growing. TOMATO FORUM. Unanswered topics; Active topics; New Posts; Search; Login