The TinyFPGA boards are a new series of low-cost, open-source FPGA boards in a tiny form factor. Solder on pins for use in a breadboard or PCB socket; or solder connectors, wires, and …
TinyFPGA BX User Guide
The TinyFPGA BX boards use Lattice Semiconductor’s iCE40 FPGAs. There are a number of existing software and hardware tools available as well as documentation from Lattice for these …
TinyFPGA A-Series User Guide
This guide will help get you started with the A-Series boards and the tools and information specific to them as well as the tools and documentation available for the FPGA chips themselves. …
TinyFPGA B-Series User Guide
This guide will help get you started with the B-Series boards and the tools and information specific to them as well as the tools and documentation available for the FPGA chips themselves. …
[Solved but don't know why] Bootloader/USB strange behavior
2018年12月19日 · The situation is like this: TinyFPGA Bx connected through USB Then , programmed through tinyprog -p The program is correctly written, both power and boot LEDS …
BX 4bit adder with register - TinyFPGA Projects - TinyFPGA
2020年2月8日 · Hello, I’m new here. So I’m just getting started trying to rap my head around verilog after doing a vhdl module in university. Here is what I’ve made so far: user puts value …
Space invaders on BX - TinyFPGA Projects - TinyFPGA
2018年8月16日 · ¡Great! ¡Thank you! It really is not just my job. It is the work of a fellow of the “FPGAwars” group. It is a “fork” I wanted to work on, but I decided not to duplicate my efforts …
USB Communication - TinyFPGA
2020年4月9日 · First, let me congratulate you with this project! An Open Source FPGA hardware and toolchain is really exciting. Thanks for sharing this excellent work! In the past I have used …
Async memory not initializing properly unless output is registered
2021年11月17日 · I just recently picked up a TinyFPGA AX2 to learn verilog. Wish I did this a few years ago, when there was more activity here! As a project, I’m implementing a 4-bit cpu …
Breaking out the surface mount pads on the bottom of the BX
2018年7月20日 · How best might one go about breaking out the inner surface mount pads on the bottom of the BX board? I figure 2.54mm SMT headers would do nicely, but then I wonder if …