Thoracic Spine: What It Is, Function & Anatomy - Cleveland Clinic
2022年3月22日 · What is the function of the thoracic spine? Your thoracic spine has several important functions, including: Protecting your spinal cord and branching spinal nerves: The nerves of your spinal cord pass through a large hole (called the vertebral foramen) in the center of all of your vertebrae in your spine.
Transversus thoracis: Origin, insertion, function | Kenhub
2023年11月3日 · Transversus thoracis is an accessory respiratory muscle that is active during forced expiration. It pulls ribs 2-6 towards the sternum during forced expiration, which results in depression of those ribs. This action consequently decreases the anteroposterior diameter of …
Thoracic | definition of thoracic by Medical dictionary
pertaining to the chest (thorax); called also pectoral.
Transversus thoracis muscle - Wikipedia
The transversus thoracis muscle (/ trænzˈvɜːrsəs θəˈreɪsɪs /), also known as triangularis sterni, lies internal to the thoracic cage, anteriorly. It is usually a thin plane of muscular and tendinous fibers, however on athletic individuals it can be a thick 'slab of meat', situated upon the inner surface of the front wall of the chest.
Thorax - Wikipedia
In humans and other hominids, the thorax is the chest region of the body between the neck and the abdomen, along with its internal organs and other contents. It is mostly protected and supported by the rib cage, spine, and shoulder girdle.
Transversus Thoracis: Origin, Insertion, Action, Diagram
2024年11月6日 · The transversus thoracis muscle, also known as the transverse thoracic muscle or triangularis sternae, is a thin band-like intrinsic muscle found on the inner surface of the front of the thoracic wall.
Transversus Thoracis Muscle | Complete Anatomy - Elsevier
Discover the key features and functions of the transversus thoracis muscle, from origin to insertion and its role in rib depression.
Transverse Thoracis - Actions - Attachments - TeachMeAnatomy
2024年11月9日 · The transversus thoracis is a muscle of the thoracic wall. It is located on the internal surface of the thoracic wall and is continuous with the transversus abdominis inferiorly. Attachments: Arises from the posterior surface of the inferior sternum and costal cartilage of …
Anatomy, Thorax, Muscles - StatPearls - NCBI Bookshelf
2023年7月24日 · The thoracic wall is made up of five muscles: the external intercostal muscles, internal intercostal muscles, innermost intercostal muscles, subcostalis, and transversus thoracis. These muscles are primarily responsible for changing the …
Transversus thoracis muscle - Mobility Physiotherapy Clinic
2018年9月22日 · On the inside surface of the anterior chest wall, there is a muscle called transversus thoracis (also known as triangularis sternae or sternocostalis). Along with the intercostals, subcostals, levatores costarum, and serratus posterior muscles, it is one of the intrinsic muscles of the chest wall.