The Wave (novel) - Wikipedia
The Wave is a 1981 young adult novel by Todd Strasser under the pen name Morton Rhue (though it has been reprinted under Todd Strasser's real name).
The Wave: Full Book Summary - SparkNotes
A short summary of Todd Strasser's The Wave. This free synopsis covers all the crucial plot points of The Wave.
Amazon.com: The Wave: 9780440993711: Strasser, Todd: Books
1981年9月15日 · The Wave is based on a true incident that occured in a high school history class in Palo Alto, California, in 1969. The powerful forces of group pressure that pervaded many historic movements such as Nazism are recreated in the classroom when history teacher Burt Ross introduces a "new" system to his students.
The Wave by Todd Strasser - Goodreads
1981年9月1日 · The Wave is based on a true incident that occurred in a high school history class in Palo Alto, California, in 1969. The powerful forces of group pressure that pervaded many historic movements such as Nazism are recreated in the classroom when history teacher Burt Ross introduces a "new" system to his students.
The Wave Study Guide | Literature Guide - LitCharts
A concise biography of Todd Strasser plus historical and literary context for The Wave.
The Wave by Todd Strasser Plot Summary - LitCharts
Get all the key plot points of Todd Strasser's The Wave on one page. From the creators of SparkNotes.
The wave : Strasser, Todd : Free Download, Borrow, and …
2011年9月29日 · The Wave is a very interesting book based on Students learning about Nazis in a high school history class. It depicts the Crictical Thinkers from the ‘Low Effort’ Thinkers and has a very engaging plot starting from around Chapter 2/3 (the beginning is just background) and goes all the way until the end.
The Wave - Kindle edition by Strasser, Todd. Children Kindle …
2013年1月8日 · The Wave is about an experiment constructed by a high school history teacher named Ben Ross. It was carried out to answer a simple question: How could so many people allow themselves to take part in a the massive genocide during the Nazi occupation in Europe?
- 4.5/5(1)
The Wave: Strasser, Todd: Amazon.com: Books
1981年1月1日 · The teacher turned the student's curiosity about how German citizens allowed holocaust atrocities to occur to a whole other level by conducting an experiment that ultimately brainwashed a majority of the kids to become a fascist group called the …
- 4.5/5(1)
The Wave The True Story Behind 'The Wave' - GradeSaver
Many of Mr. Jones's ideas are the same as the ones Strasser describes in The Wave––for example, Strasser lifts the "Strength Through Discipline" and "Strength Through Community" slogans directly from Jones's written accounts of The Third Wave. Unlike in the novel, there was no violence committed as part of The Third Wave.