word choice - "Toilet", "lavatory" or "loo" for polite society ...
2011年8月8日 · Both lavatory and loo are fine, and it's meaningless to talk about which is correct or more correct, IMHO. Interestingly, these terms are quite strong class indicators in the UK: …
Can the word 'loo' mean bathroom (with bath and shower and all)
2013年10月3日 · In this situation, the loo is the thing you sit on in the bathroom. (I know what you're thinking. I think it's disgusting, too, and I was raised in Britain.) A larger house might …
Is it really rude to use the terms "the john" and "the loo" in lieu of ...
2014年2月21日 · "Loo" is not at all rude in British English; it's not even particularly informal. In American English, "toilet" refers nearly always to the piece of furniture and not the room that …
Reason for different pronunciations of "lieutenant"
2014年12月6日 · 'Lieutenant' comes from French lieu ('place') and tenant ('holding'). Some sources claim that 'lieutenant' had alternative spellings such as leftenant, leftenaunt, lieftenant, …
What French phrase is the origin of "gardyloo?"
The word gardyloo is a warning cry uttered before throwing wastewater (literally and euphemistically) out of a window. Every source I've found has traced this word back to some …
"Washroom", "restroom", "bathroom", "lavatory", "toilet" or "toilet …
loo - from the French for l'eau (water) and is essentially a room with water, a euphemism. WC or water closet - a room provided with a water source, then applied to the actual apparatus. …
Is there a general word or phrase to describe the things you do …
2018年3月2日 · 1959 C. MacInnes Absolute Beginners 183 I put on some music and abluted, then made two Nescafés. 2002 Derbyshire Life & Countryside Nov. 128/2 I abluted in a staff …
pronunciation - What's the right way to pronounce "Louis"?
The name of the comedian Louis C.K. is pronounced LU-EE-SEE-KAY. Is the S pronounced as a part of the given name "Louis", or just the first constant of the of the letter C? Is there a …
Why is “bloody” considered offensive in the UK but not in the US?
2022年7月22日 · Here’s the OED’s comment on the origins: The origin is not quite certain; but there is good reason to think that it was at first a reference to the habits of the ‘bloods’ or …
Is there a single word conveying both defecation and urination?
2023年2月3日 · What's a single word that covers the actions of both defecation and urination. Perhaps a person is stuck in a jungle and would like to go behind a tree or a bush to [either …